<< Our Photo Pages >> Yockenthwaite - Ring Cairn in England in Yorkshire (North)

Submitted by DavidRaven on Saturday, 28 February 2004  Page Views: 18647

Neolithic and Bronze AgeSite Name: Yockenthwaite
Country: England County: Yorkshire (North) Type: Ring Cairn
Nearest Town: Settle / Grassington  Nearest Village: Yockenthwaite
Map Ref: SD8995779376  Landranger Map Number: 98
Latitude: 54.210022N  Longitude: 2.155483W
4Almost Perfect
3Reasonable but with some damage
2Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site
1Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks
0No data.
-1Completely destroyed
4 Ambience:
2Not Good
0No data.
4 Access:
5Can be driven to, probably with disabled access
4Short walk on a footpath
3Requiring a bit more of a walk
2A long walk
1In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find
0No data.
4 Accuracy:
5co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates
4co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map
3co-ordinates scaled from a bad map
2co-ordinates of the nearest village
1co-ordinates of the nearest town
0no data

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drolaf visited on 10th Sep 2021 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 5 Access: 4 a lovely little kerb cairn/ring. a delightful walk along the Upper Wharfe, with its water-carved limestone. About 70 metres upstream from the ring is Yockenthwaite 'cave' a small fissure, from which some water issues, and also the eerie sound of an underground waterfall deep in the hillside. I wonder if this was there in the Bronze Age and had something to do with the siting of this ring. and what did they think the sound was? The river here is a disappearing/appearing one, as it discharges into several holes into underground aquifers, leaving downstream a dry bed, until a new water source enters it.

kthdsn visited on 15th Jun 2014 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 5 We parked beside the river but didn't cross.

BolshieBoris visited on 1st Jan 1987 - their rating: Cond: 3 Amb: 4 Access: 2 Not a long walk, but you need to cross the river to get to it.

rldixon have visited here

Average ratings for this site from all visit loggers: Condition: 3.67 Ambience: 4.33 Access: 3.67

Yockenthwaite submitted by DavidRaven : Stormy weather coming from Langstrothdale Chase in the west. (Vote or comment on this photo)
Stone Circle or Kerb / Ring Cairn in North Yorkshire

The circle looking east across the slopes of Yockenthwaite Moor. The stones have been described as a 'stone circle' but I think the most recent consensus is a 'ring cairn', the stones themselves being the 'kerbstones' that are all that's left? It's in a lovely spot by the river and the Dales Way long-distance footpath, in the bottom of the Wharfe Valley. It's easily reached via a rough track from the bridge at Yockenthwaite.

This ring cairn/stone circle is scheduled as Historic England List ID 1008772 and recorded as Pastscape Monument No. 45805. The Journal of Antiquities also features a page for this site - see their entry for Yockenthwaite Stone Circle, North Yorkshire, which includes a photograph and background information. The JoA adds: "The name Yockenthwaite is said to be of Scandinavian origins. Thwaite meaning ‘a clearing’, while Yocken could be a derivation of ‘Eogan’ of probable Irish origins – hence we get the place-name ‘Eogan’s clearing’. Thwaite is quite a common place-name is the Yorkshire Dales and also in north-eastern England giving us some idea where Norse invaders came to settle in the 9th-11th centuries", and lists sources of further information.
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Yockenthwaite submitted by rldixon : Yockenthwaite circle taken in Infra red 1 sept 2010 (Vote or comment on this photo)

Yockenthwaite submitted by rldixon : Yockenthwaite stone circle taken 1 sept 2010 the sun shone nicely for me (Vote or comment on this photo)

Yockenthwaite submitted by rldixon : Yockenthwaite stone circle taken 1 sept 2010 (Vote or comment on this photo)

Yockenthwaite submitted by rldixon : Yockenthwaite stone circle taken 1 sept 2010 (Vote or comment on this photo)

Yockenthwaite submitted by rldixon : Yockenthwaite stone circle taken 1 sept 2010 showing small section of stone where a second row seems to be (Vote or comment on this photo)

Yockenthwaite submitted by TykeinExile : View of Yockenthwaite stonesstones Notice entrance stone(s) just off centre and small enclosure to left side

Yockenthwaite submitted by Bladup : Yockenthwaite circle.

Yockenthwaite submitted by da5id : The circle is close to the river, on the East side of the river, the opposite side to the road. My GPS gave me 54.20990 N by 2.15514 W in the centre of the circle. Seems like there might have been a small chamber to the north of the ring, or doorjamb stones outside the kerbstones. (1 comment)

Yockenthwaite submitted by DavidRaven : The circle looking east across the slopes of Yockenthwaite Moor. The stones have been described as a 'stone circle' but I think the most recent consensus is a 'ring cairn', the stones themselves being the 'kerbstones' that are all that's left? It's in a lovely spot by the Dales Way long-distance footpath, in the bottom of the Wharfe Valley. It's easily reached via a rough track from the bridge ... (3 comments)

Yockenthwaite submitted by drolaf : Yockenthwaite looking upstream (NW)

Yockenthwaite submitted by drolaf : the large kerbstone faces the river

Yockenthwaite submitted by Antonine : Visited 2018

Yockenthwaite submitted by TykeinExile : Another view of Yockenthwaite stones

Yockenthwaite submitted by TykeinExile : View of Yockenthwaite stonesstones

Yockenthwaite submitted by Bladup : Yockenthwaite.

Yockenthwaite submitted by Bladup

Yockenthwaite submitted by Bladup

Yockenthwaite submitted by Bladup

Yockenthwaite submitted by Bladup

Yockenthwaite submitted by rogerkread : Yockenthwaite with Ian for scale.

Yockenthwaite submitted by rogerkread : Yockenthwaite, low level view.

Yockenthwaite submitted by postman : Initially I was looking on the wrong side of the river, wondering where it was I looked around and spotted my gaff.

Yockenthwaite submitted by postman : From up the opposite hill to the circle across the river.

Yockenthwaite submitted by postman : Looking along the valley

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Re: Yockenthwaite by drolaf on Sunday, 12 September 2021
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Still in good nick 2021.
Nearby is Yockenthwaite ‘cave’ a fissure though which some water passes and the eerie sound of a waterfall deep inside the hill.
I wonder if it was here in the Bronze Age, and if that was why they sited the ring here.

The river disappears down holes at regular intervals leaving a dry bed.
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Yockenthwaite updated Street View by gazreese on Friday, 29 May 2015
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Did a photosphere from inside the circle.
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Yockenthwaite Street View by SteveDut on Thursday, 01 April 2010
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Re: Yockenthwaite by coldrum on Wednesday, 07 October 2009
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