<< Our Photo Pages >> Nine Stones (Altarnun) - Stone Circle in England in Cornwall

Submitted by stonedowser on Wednesday, 19 October 2011  Page Views: 22644

Neolithic and Bronze AgeSite Name: Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Country: England County: Cornwall Type: Stone Circle
Nearest Town: Bodmin  Nearest Village: Altarnun
Map Ref: SX23617814  Landranger Map Number: 201
Latitude: 50.576299N  Longitude: 4.492585W
4Almost Perfect
3Reasonable but with some damage
2Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site
1Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks
0No data.
-1Completely destroyed
5 Ambience:
2Not Good
0No data.
5 Access:
5Can be driven to, probably with disabled access
4Short walk on a footpath
3Requiring a bit more of a walk
2A long walk
1In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find
0No data.
3 Accuracy:
5co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates
4co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map
3co-ordinates scaled from a bad map
2co-ordinates of the nearest village
1co-ordinates of the nearest town
0no data

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I have visited· I would like to visit

hengedweller74 KieKa whese001 would like to visit

lucasn visited on 1st Sep 2020 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 2

markj99 visited on 11th Apr 2018 - their rating: Cond: 3 Amb: 5 Access: 3 The flatness of the moor and the splendid isolation of Nine Stones (Altarnun) enhance this stone circle. One of the best sites in Cornwall!

BolshieBoris visited on 1st Jan 2014 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 5 Access: 3 Glorious sunset after a blistering day. Last circle of the trip!

peetdi visited on 1st Jan 2007 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 5 Access: 3

LordMureth visited - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 5 Access: 3 Beautiful site, but usually full of aggressive cows - hard to get close to!

JimChampion cazzyjane have visited here

Average ratings for this site from all visit loggers: Condition: 3.8 Ambience: 4.8 Access: 2.8

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by stonedowser : The circle at Altarnun is right out on the open moor and there is an excellent cairn circle not too far away, (if you can find it). As far as dowsing goes it is quite straightforward (Vote or comment on this photo)
Stone Circle in Cornwall. The restored circle at Altarnun is right out on the open moor. There is an excellent cairn circle not too far away.

Note: Thousands of ancient sites on 2011 Heritage at Risk Register, including Altarnun, not a new problem here but still 'extensive stock erosion with major localised problems'. Full details in our forum.
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Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by Manja : The Nine Stones visited on Sept 11th in 2007. A peaceful site well worth a visit or two ;-) (Vote or comment on this photo)

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by Bladup : Nine Stones of Altarnun stone circle. (Vote or comment on this photo)

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by cazzyjane : Nine Stones Circle, Altarnun. (3 comments - Vote or comment on this photo)

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by cazzyjane : Nine stones, Altarnun, Autumn Equinox. (1 comment - Vote or comment on this photo)

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by cazzyjane : Nine Stones Circle. May 2011. Well worth the trek up hill to get to it. (4 comments)

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by Bladup : The Nine Stones of Altarnun, Great site.

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by Bladup : The Nine Stones of Altarnun.

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by Bladup : Nine Stones of Altarnun.

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by postman : A bit drier than usual, damn sheep. (2 comments)

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by postman : Looking across the circle

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by cazzyjane : The centre or boundry stone of Nine Stones stone circle. A charming circle even though a lot of the stones are tilting considerably. (3 comments)

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by bolshieboris : Sunset over Altarnun - 14-8-97 - it was a fair trek as I recall, but a beautiful clear day.

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by JimChampion : The north-west side of the restored circle, under heavy skies. The rightmost stone is a more modern parish boundary marker, standing at the centre of the circle. It has sharp edges and is obviously less weathered.

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by JimChampion : Returning to the circle from the west, following a short walk around the moor in the hope that a gap in the clouds would open up and offer better conditions for photography. This is a composite of two photographs, one exposed for the heavy sky and one for the stones below. I'm not too pleased with the outcome as it doesn't represent the scene as I saw it, but maybe with a little more technical ski... (2 comments)

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by JimChampion : Arriving at the circle from the east, the sun (having been out for the previous hour or so) didn't want to play any more and hid behind the clouds. There are nine stones present, as the name "Nine Stones" implies, although the central stone is a recent addition - a marker on the parish boundary between North Hill and Altarnun. One stone, or possibly two stones, are missing from the northern side o... (2 comments)

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by JimChampion : Three of the stones in the south-western quadrant of this restored stone circle. The deep puddles are in holes created by cattle that use the stones as scratching posts - there aren't many trees or fences out here on East Moor. (3 comments)

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by DrNickLeB : Nine Stones (Altarnun)

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by cazzyjane : Nine Stones, Altarnun, Autumn Equinox.

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by Bladup : Nine Stones of Altarnun.

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by Bladup

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by postman : Surprisingly there are nine stones at the nine stones of Altarnum.

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by postman : A bit drier than usual, does it ever dry out.

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by postman : I walked over the hill called Ridge in background

Nine Stones (Altarnun)
Nine Stones (Altarnun) submitted by cazzyjane : Nine Stones Circle. Has a wonderful atmosphere even in heavy mizzle!

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Megalithic Mysteries by Andy Burnham

Prehistoric Circles and Rows by Ian Honeywood

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Nearby sites listing. In the following links * = Image available
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 891m NW 310° Fox Tor Settlement* Ancient Village or Settlement (SX22947873)
 1.1km SSW 204° Carey Tor Kerb Cairn* Cairn (SX2311877144)
 1.1km W 263° East Moor stone row* Stone Row / Alignment (SX22477803)
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 1.3km WSW 250° East Moor Row blocking stone* Standing Stone (Menhir) (SX22327773)
 1.4km S 184° Tresellern Cairn* Cairn (SX23487678)
 1.4km WSW 245° East Moor stone B* Standing Stone (Menhir) (SX22357760)
 1.4km WSW 246° East Moor Stone D* Standing Stone (Menhir) (SX2230077606)
 1.5km SW 228° Greymare Rock* Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (SX225772)
 1.5km WSW 242° East Moor menhir* Standing Stone (Menhir) (SX22227747)
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 2.2km SSW 213° Rushyford Cairns* Barrow Cemetery (SX22357633)
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Megalithic Mysteries by Andy Burnham

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Prehistoric Circles and Rows by Ian Honeywood


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Thousands of ancient sites on 2011 Heritage at Risk Register by Andy B on Wednesday, 19 October 2011
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English Heritage has been sending out press releases highlighting industrial heritage at risk, together with the rather dubious assertion that "62% of people agree that the industrial revolution is the most important period of British history". This seems to me a rather weighted question taken from near the end of a detailed online survey about industrial heritage that presumably only the most dedicated to industrial history would have bothered completing!

I of course think that prehistory is the most important period of British history, which brings me back to my point, which is that many hundreds or possibly even thousands of prehistoric and other ancient sites are on the list (look I may have exaggerated in my headline there - just to prove I can do it with the best of them - I don't have the full data to count each site yet)

EH have highlighted a few sites, it would be worth as many people as possible glancing through the documents for your area to see what other sites are affected (crowdsourcing and all that).

There is more in our forum.
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Nine Stones (Altarnun) on 2011 Heritage at Risk Register by Andy B on Wednesday, 19 October 2011
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CONDITION: Generally unsatisfactory
PRINCIPAL VULNERABILITY: Extensive stock erosion with major localised problems
TREND: Stable


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Re: Nine Stones (Altarnun) by TheCaptain on Friday, 20 May 2011
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Nine Stones (Altarnun), Sunday 23rd May 2010.
SX 23612 78146, Alt 297m, Access 3, Ambience 5, Condition 4

This is a beautiful little stone circle about 14 metres in diameter. Eight stones about 1.5 metres tall stand with a gap on the northeast side for one or perhaps two more. There is also a similar sized pillar in the middle, but I am not sure whether this is an original part of the circle or a more recent boundary marker.

It is bone dry out here today, but it looks like the stones usually stand in pools of water, and get used by cattle, as the ground is hollowed out around all the stones by more than a foot. I am surprised that they don’t all get pushed over, some are leaning precariously. There is lots of cow hair around, which shows how effective the stones are for scratching the cattle.

It is really beautiful out here, lots of tweeting birds and a nice cooling breeze. Pasty time!

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Re: Nine Stones (Altarnun) by coldrum on Wednesday, 07 October 2009
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