<< Our Photo Pages >> The Hurlers Pipers - Standing Stones in England in Cornwall

Submitted by thecaptain on Monday, 19 October 2009  Page Views: 9507

Neolithic and Bronze AgeSite Name: The Hurlers Pipers Alternative Name: The Pipers
Country: England County: Cornwall Type: Standing Stones
Nearest Town: Liskeard  Nearest Village: Minions
Map Ref: SX25717135
Latitude: 50.515924N  Longitude: 4.459777W
4Almost Perfect
3Reasonable but with some damage
2Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site
1Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks
0No data.
-1Completely destroyed
4 Ambience:
2Not Good
0No data.
4 Access:
5Can be driven to, probably with disabled access
4Short walk on a footpath
3Requiring a bit more of a walk
2A long walk
1In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find
0No data.
4 Accuracy:
5co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates
4co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map
3co-ordinates scaled from a bad map
2co-ordinates of the nearest village
1co-ordinates of the nearest town
0no data

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ajmp3003 visited on 1st Jan 2024 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 4

micske visited on 28th Oct 2023 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 4

Catrinm visited on 8th Oct 2022 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 4

Richard13 visited on 1st Jul 2018 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 4

SandyG visited on 23rd Jun 2017 - their rating: Cond: 5 Amb: 5 Access: 4

NickyD visited on 28th Aug 2015 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 4

markj99 visited on 7th Mar 2013 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 4 These standing stones would be the star attraction if the Hurlers Stone Circles were not several hundred yards away. As it is this pair of stone have a strong gravitas.

jeffrep visited on 19th May 2011 - their rating: Cond: 3 Amb: 3 Access: 4

graemefield visited on 7th Jun 1998 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 3

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hevveh AngieLake JimChampion hamish cazzyjane have visited here

Average ratings for this site from all visit loggers: Condition: 4 Ambience: 4 Access: 3.9

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by JimChampion : View through the 'goalposts' of the Pipers, neatly framing Stowe's Hill in the distance (home of the Cheesewring natural rock feature and the neolithic enclosure of Stowe's Pound). These two stones stand to the west of the Hurlers stone circles. The dung in the foreground is from the ponies that graze the moor. (Vote or comment on this photo)
Two nice stones, outliers from The Hurlers stone circles, each standing about 2 metres tall, and about the same distance apart. These stones are said to be the Pipers which were turned to stone for playing the music for the Hurlers on the Sabbath.

Not too far away to the north is what looks like another one, but on closer inspection is some more modern memorial for something.
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The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by cazzyjane : First noted by W C Borlase in 1869 but surprisingly not mentioned by his great grandfather Dr Borlase after his visit to the hurlers in the mid 1700's. (2 comments - Vote or comment on this photo)

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by Bladup : The Hurlers Pipers. (Vote or comment on this photo)

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by Bladup : The Pipers (Hurlers). (Vote or comment on this photo)

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by cazzyjane : The Pipers protectively guarding a fine collection of frog spawn at their base! March 2012. (2 comments - Vote or comment on this photo)

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by pennymoon : The Pipers, two stones adjacent to The Hurlers on Bodmin Moor. This was taken in May 2006 - one of the coldest Springs on record and in the week we were there...lots of lovely cold heavy rain...

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by JimChampion : August 2006, on a rainy afternoon close by the Hurlers stone circle. The Pipers in monochrome, since the natural colours were so desaturated anyway. A very exposed location. Cornish folklore question: Why would you have pipers at a hurling game?

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by wayland : The Pipers, near the Hurlers

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by Bladup : The Hurlers Pipers (1 comment)

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by Bladup

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by Bladup : The Hurlers Pipers with dark and brooding Stowe's Hill framed between them

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by jeffrep : The Hurlers Pipers, located on the south-facing slope of Minions Moor in the eastern part of Cornwall, England. (Also called The Pipers Standing Stones.)

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by postman : Much water and copious misting

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by postman : Two of many

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by pennymoon : The two stones known as 'The Pipers' adjacent to The Hurlers on Bodmin Moor.

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by Bladup : The Pipers at The Hurlers

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by Bladup

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by threlkeld : The Pipers, January 26th 2019.

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by SandyG : View from the north.

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by SandyG : View from the south.

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by DrNickLeB : The Pipers. Photo taken on June 7th 2015.

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by Bladup : The Hurlers Pipers.

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by AngieLake : My friend Jackie noticed this small cross carved in the western of the two Pipers last September. (Centre of stone, just above the line of the horizon.) Presumably another attempt to Christianize these lovely old megaliths?

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by AngieLake : Following my comment on mattimpey's 'orb' [lens-flare] photo at the Pipers, posted up today: Jackie, in red, stands almost due south, between the two small stones which were found by their involvement in the possible ritual movement dowsed from the Pipers last September. (8 comments)

The Hurlers Pipers
The Hurlers Pipers submitted by mattimpey : The Pipers at the Hurlers. I was just trying to line up the lensflare so it appeared to pass between the stones, feel free to ignore the picture :-D (2 comments)

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Nearby sites listing. In the following links * = Image available
 102m E 99° The Hurlers (S)* Stone Circle (SX25817133)
 117m ENE 68° The Hurlers (C)* Stone Circle (SX25827139)
 130m ENE 65° The Hurlers* Stone Circle (SX25837140)
 139m ENE 58° The Hurlers causeway* Ancient Trackway (SX25837142)
 164m NE 50° The Hurlers (N)* Stone Circle (SX25847145)
 269m SSE 163° Minions Platform Round Barrow* Cairn (SX25787109)
 288m NNE 32° The Hurlers North* Stone Circle (SX25877159)
 377m SE 126° Minions Mound* Round Barrow(s) (SX26017112)
 517m N 4° The Hurlers Avenue* Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue (SX2576371864)
 565m W 259° Minions Round Cairns* Round Cairn (SX25157126)
 567m SW 234° Minions Kerbed Cairn Cairn (SX25247103)
 639m NNE 27° Rillaton Barrow* Round Barrow(s) (SX26027191)
 643m WSW 238° Minions Bronze Age round cairn. Cairn (SX25157103)
 665m WSW 242° Trewalla Farm Settlement* Ancient Village or Settlement (SX25117106)
 666m NNE 24° Rillaton N Cairn* Cairn (SX26007195)
 716m SSW 208° Minions Cairns Cairn (SX25357073)
 736m NE 40° Minions Settlement* Ancient Village or Settlement (SX262719)
 817m S 190° The Long Stone (Minions)* Standing Stone (Menhir) (SX25547055)
 919m NW 310° Craddock Moor platform cairn* Cairn (SX25027196)
 965m WNW 298° Craddock Moor circle* Stone Circle (SX24877183)
 1.0km N 2° The Cheesewring* Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (SX25787239)
 1.1km N 2° Stowe's Pound* Ancient Village or Settlement (SX25787247)
 1.3km NW 312° Craddock Moor Stone Setting* Standing Stones (SX24747227)
 1.4km W 271° Craddock Moor Cairn Cemetery* Barrow Cemetery (SX2435071429)
 1.5km W 262° Tregarrick Tor hillfort* Hillfort (SX242712)
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"The Hurlers Pipers" | Login/Create an Account | 3 News and Comments
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Historical Walk around Craddock Moor, Tue 26 July 2011 by Andy B on Saturday, 18 June 2011
(User Info | Send a Message)
Tue 26 July 13.00

A Cornwall Archaeological Society family event.
A gentle walk looking at archaeology much of which is well hidden! Stories to accompany the walk. With guide Tony Blackman.
Starts at 1pm, walk to last approximately 4 hours.
Please bring clothing suitable for the weather including leg covering wear and stout shoes/boots, sun protection, drinks and snacks.
Donations welcome to Cornwall Archaeological Society. Booking not necessary.

Location: Meet at Minions Car Park (West) SX 269711.

Org: Cornwall Archaeological Society
Name: Tony Blackman

Part of the Festival of British Archaeology 2011
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An Archaeological walk around Minions Moor, 19th and 24th July 2011 by Andy B on Saturday, 18 June 2011
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An Archaeological walk around Minions Moor
Tue 19 July 13.00

A Cornwall Archaeological Society and Cornwall Heritage Trust family event.
A gentle, enjoyable walk on uneven ground but fairly flat with one short rising path to the top of a flat hill. Stopping at the many archaeological remains for descriptions and stories. Good for photography. With guide Tony Blackman.
1.00pm walk lasting approximately 4 hours.
Please bring clothing suitable for the weather, stout shoes/boots and leg covers, sun protection, drinks and snacks.
Donations welcome to Cornwall Archaeological Society. Booking not necessary.

Location: Meet at Minions Car Park (West) SX 259711.

Org: Cornwall Archaeological Society and Cornwall Heritage Trust
Sun 24 July 13.00

Archaeological walk concentrating on tactile experiences for the visually impaired and partially sighted, with guide Tony Blackman.
Moorland leaders accompanying to assist. Lots of stories and legends to accompany the walk.
A Cornwall Archaeological Society and Cornwall Heritage Trust family event.
1.00pm walk to last approx 3 hours.
Please bring clothing suitable for the weather, stout shoes/boots and leg covers, sun protection, drinks and snacks.
Donations welcome to Cornwall Archaeological Society. Booking not necessary.

Location: Meet at Minions Car Park (West) SX 259711.

Org: Cornwall Archaeological Society and Cornwall Heritage Trust
Name: Tony Blackman

Part of the Festival of British Archaeology 2011
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Re: The Pipers (Hurlers) by angieweekender on Monday, 23 May 2011
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Is there are a solstice celebration at the Hurlers?
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