<< Our Photo Pages >> Merrivale Centre Row - Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue in England in Devon

Submitted by Anne T on Wednesday, 01 June 2022  Page Views: 13314

Neolithic and Bronze AgeSite Name: Merrivale Centre Row Alternative Name: Merrivale Southern Avenue; Butler Merrivale 2; Worth Merrivale B; Merrivale 2
Country: England
NOTE: This site is 0.2 km away from the location you searched for.

County: Devon Type: Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue
Nearest Town: Princetown  Nearest Village: Merrivale
Map Ref: SX55567478  Landranger Map Number: 191
Latitude: 50.554884N  Longitude: 4.040376W
4Almost Perfect
3Reasonable but with some damage
2Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site
1Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks
0No data.
-1Completely destroyed
4 Ambience:
2Not Good
0No data.
3 Access:
5Can be driven to, probably with disabled access
4Short walk on a footpath
3Requiring a bit more of a walk
2A long walk
1In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find
0No data.
4 Accuracy:
5co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates
4co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map
3co-ordinates scaled from a bad map
2co-ordinates of the nearest village
1co-ordinates of the nearest town
0no data

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Catrinm visited on 9th Jan 2025 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 5 Access: 4 Been here dozens of times but never in the snow...

lucasn visited on 27th Jun 2019 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 4

Anne T visited on 14th May 2019 - their rating: Cond: 3 Amb: 4 Access: 4 Merrivale 2/Merrivale Centre Row: As we progressed further south over the moorland, and not far from Merrivale 1 (the northern-most row) at that, the stone rows kept getting better and better. The row features a triangular blocking stone at the eastern end and twin blocking stones at the western end. It runs for 262.5m from SX 5530 7475 to SX 5556 7478 - see Pastscape 44056. The stones seem to vary in size quite a lot, and generally larger than those of the northern row/row 1/row A.

Richard13 visited on 1st Jul 2018 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 4

markj99 visited on 28th Nov 2017 - their rating: Cond: 3 Amb: 5 Access: 3 It is always surprising to me when I encounter long stone rows in moorland. This particular one has significant termini and a central cairn. The stones are relatively small but two out of three ain't bad!

SandyG visited on 6th Jul 2016 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 5 Access: 4 Car parking is available at SX 55313 75017 or SX 56050 74895. The row is a short walk away from either car park. It is worth having a look at the well preserved Bronze Age settlement a short distance to the north of the row.

TwinFlamesKiss visited on 1st Feb 2014 - their rating: Cond: 3 Amb: 4 Access: 3

jeffrep visited on 19th May 2011 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 4

LPhillips visited on 1st May 2009 - their rating: Cond: 3 Amb: 4 Access: 3

graemefield visited on 1st Jan 2008 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 5 Access: 3

andraste visited - their rating: Amb: 5 Access: 3 I regularly visit here, both as a walker and as a druid and its where I carry out seasonal ceremonial observances - the long walk between the double stone rows from the car park end [Four Winds car park just near Princetown] down to the end facing the Dartmoor Inn on your right at the bottom of the hill - is entralling in any weather but especially when the sky is either clear and sunny or heavy with impending storms when it is dramatic to stand where people have lived for centuries in the past and left these mysterious memories for us

Bladup rldixon TheWhiteRider davidmorgan TheCaptain AngieLake cazzyjane have visited here

Average ratings for this site from all visit loggers: Condition: 3.6 Ambience: 4.45 Access: 3.55

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by Antonine : 2008 (Vote or comment on this photo)
Double Stone Row or Avenue, making up part of the Merrivale complex on the western slopes of Dartmoor in Devon. This impressive double row of stones is a member of a group of several prehistoric structures: two stone circles, an avenue, a double row, a single row, a large damaged cist, standing stones and hut-circles. 182m (596 feet) long and 1.1m (3 feet 6 inches) wide, it is aligned almost exactly East-West. A large triangular stone lies at the eastern terminus as a blocking stone, and paired pillars at the western terminus. In the middle of teh row is a cairn, with central cist and surrounding stone circle.

Access: Just south of the B3357 cross-Dartmoor road, 6km from Tavistock. Pull over just past the hamlet of Merrivale.

This stone row is recorded as part of Pastscape Monument 440056, as MDV14795 (Merrivale Stone Row B, Dartmoor Forest) on the Devon and Dartmoor HER, and scheduled as Historic England List Entry No. 1013429 (Three stone alignments, ten cairns, three stone hut circles and a length of the Great Western Reave on Longash Common).

The alignment is also featured on The Stone Rows of Great Britain website - see their entry for Merrivale 2, which includes a description, a plan of the monuments at Merrivale showing their relationships to each other, photographs, access information and a list of online resources for more information.

It is also recorded on the Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks (PDW) website - see their entries for the Merrivale B Stone Row and the Merrivale Ceremonial Complex [Photo Set 1].

Pastscape tells us this double stone row runs from SX 55307475 to SX 55567478.
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Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by graemefield : Merrivale stone row enshrouded in mist, May 1992. (2 comments - Vote or comment on this photo)

merrivale centre row
merrivale centre row submitted by utherwilson : This is a photo of the east end of the centre row, taken at about 4pm looking down the row. (1 comment - Vote or comment on this photo)

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by Bladup : Merrivale Centre Row. (Vote or comment on this photo)

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by jeffrep : Merrivale Center Stone Row -- a Double Stone Row -- in Dartmoor National Park, Devon, England. (Vote or comment on this photo)

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by cazzyjane : Oil on canvas from my earlier photo. (Vote or comment on this photo)

Merrivale Centre Row.
Merrivale Centre Row. submitted by Bladup : Merrivale. This Original Artwork in a glass frame has now sold. A limited (to a 100) print in a 8" x 10" glass frame would be £19.99 +£2.90 postage, E-mail me at [email protected] if interested. (3 comments)

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by Bladup : Merrivale Centre Row.

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by rldixon : centre ro taken in infra red may 2008

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by Bladup : Merrivale Centre Row

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by SandyG : Eastern end of row. View from west. The sinuous character of the row is clearly discernable. (19th October 2014).

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by SandyG : The eastern end of the central row in the foreground with the northern row in the background (19th October 2014).

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by SandyG : Looking westward along the row. The northern row is visible behind the figure on the right. (19th October 2014). (3 comments)

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by rldixon : taken 2008

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by cazzyjane : Looking uphill toward the triangular blocking stone.

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by TheCaptain : Merrivale moonrise, 26 August 2007. Seen looking south through the stones at the eastern end of the central avenue.

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by TheWhiteRider : Merrivale Stone Row. (1 comment)

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by Catrinm : Merrivale middle row with Moon visible at 3.30 pm 090125

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by Stonetramp : Me, loving a standing stone at the end of a very long double stone row, thousands of years old, at Merrivale, Dartmoor National Park, Devon, England. Photo credit, Doni Rogers.

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by SandyG : View from the east. The row is clearly far from perfectly straight (19th October 2014).

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by Bladup : Merrivale Centre Row, Vixon tor looks like a quoit in the right background.

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by Bladup : Merrivale Central Avenue with the Northern Row beyond.

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by Bladup : Merrivale.

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by AngieLake : Another of the more prominent stones in the southern [or central] stone avenues, with Great Mis Tor in the background. Around 5pm on 26.03.2012.

Merrivale Centre Row
Merrivale Centre Row submitted by AngieLake : One of the more prominent larger stones in the southern [or central] stone avenue with the large cist capstone in the background, looking south to King's Tor. Around 5pm on 26.03.2012

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Stone Pages (Still Images) by Arosio and Meozzi
Megalithic Mysteries by Andy Burnham
Stone Rows of Great Britain by Sandy Gerrard
Dartmoor Walks by Dave Parks
Prehistoric Monuments of Dartmoor by Bill Radcliffe

Myths and Megaliths by Jim Dyson

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Nearby sites listing. In the following links * = Image available
 36m NW 325° Merrivale NE circle* Stone Circle (SX55547481)
 72m WSW 254° Merrivale Cists* Burial Chamber or Dolmen (SX5549074762)
 80m W 261° Merrivale* Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue (SX55487477)
 110m W 274° Merrivale North Row* Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue (SX55457479)
 130m W 264° Merrivale Centre N* Cairn (SX55437477)
 136m SW 232° Merrivale Stone Slabs 1 and 2* Stone Row / Alignment (SX55457470)
 160m W 265° Merrivale Centre S* Cairn (SX55407477)
 167m W 262° Merrivale SW row 3* Stone Row / Alignment (SX5539474761)
 199m N 356° Merrivale settlement* Ancient Village or Settlement (SX5555174979)
 241m WNW 283° Merrivale N circle* Stone Circle (SX5532674841)
 258m SW 233° Merrivale circle* Stone Circle (SX55357463)
 261m W 262° Merrivale NW* Stone Circle (SX55307475)
 268m SW 223° Merrivale Second Menhir and Cairn* Standing Stone (Menhir) (SX55377459)
 271m WSW 251° Cairn south of Stone Row B (Merrivale)* Cairn (SX553747)
 275m SW 225° Merrivale Menhir* Standing Stone (Menhir) (SX55367459)
 281m SW 225° Merrivale row 4* Stone Row / Alignment (SX5535674586)
 282m SW 227° Merrivale 5* Stone Row / Alignment (SX5534974592)
 287m SW 227° Merrivale 6* Stone Row / Alignment (SX5534474590)
 850m ESE 111° Yellowmeade Farm* Cairn (SX56357446)
 990m S 170° King's Tor* Rock Outcrop (SX557738)
 1.4km WSW 252° Vixen Tor* Cist (SX5424074392)
 1.4km WSW 249° Standing Stone next to Vixen Tor * Standing Stone (Menhir) (SX5424374307)
 1.8km NE 48° Mis Tor Farm Cairn (SX56927594)
 2.2km WSW 255° Windy Post Cross* Ancient Cross (SX53437428)
 2.2km NW 324° Roos Tor Rocks* Rock Outcrop (SX543766)
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Stone Pages (Still Images) by Arosio and Meozzi
Megalithic Mysteries by Andy Burnham
Stone Rows of Great Britain by Sandy Gerrard
Dartmoor Walks by Dave Parks
Prehistoric Monuments of Dartmoor by Bill Radcliffe

Archived Web links for Merrivale Centre Row

Myths and Megaliths by Jim Dyson


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Merrivale on youtube by graemefield on Monday, 13 April 2009
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Re: Merrivale alignments, circle and standing stone by Anonymous on Friday, 09 May 2003
The alignments are not visible from nearby road (from Princetown towards west )
You must park, and look!
A sheep pen is very visible encircled by trees.This is a designated and sensible place to park.Look for leat* which you follow towards west it runs alongside
Caution stones around leat can be very slippery....yes! I fell,and if you hit your head on a stone.....
*small stream
enjoy many hours exploring but research first
or you could miss features
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