<< Our Photo Pages >> Grey Wethers. - Stone Circle in England in Devon

Submitted by Bladup on Friday, 12 December 2014  Page Views: 30278

Neolithic and Bronze AgeSite Name: Grey Wethers. Alternative Name: Gray Wethers, Greywethers, Turner G2
Country: England County: Devon Type: Stone Circle
Nearest Town: Okehampton  Nearest Village: Chagford
Map Ref: SX63878313  Landranger Map Number: 191
Latitude: 50.631928N  Longitude: 3.926201W
4Almost Perfect
3Reasonable but with some damage
2Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site
1Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks
0No data.
-1Completely destroyed
4 Ambience:
2Not Good
0No data.
5 Access:
5Can be driven to, probably with disabled access
4Short walk on a footpath
3Requiring a bit more of a walk
2A long walk
1In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find
0No data.
3 Accuracy:
5co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates
4co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map
3co-ordinates scaled from a bad map
2co-ordinates of the nearest village
1co-ordinates of the nearest town
0no data

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Catrinm visited on 27th May 2024 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 2

wildtalents couldn't find on 3rd Jul 2023 I found Fernworthy S.C. easily enough but just couldn't seem to find Greywethers. A young woman in a Renault was also driving around lost (or perhaps taking driving lessons!) and we coincided three times during my meanders around the reservoir and adjacent area. It was fun waving and grinning as kept passing one another. Next time I'll try harder but the incessant rain and cold was a powerful disincentive to exploring more fully on foot. Some of the paths through the forest were barred and gated and I suspect if I'd guessed the right one, parked then walked, it would have been a cinch.

Phillwhite visited on 18th Jun 2021 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 2 Like most of the Dartmoor circle, it's a bit of a trek but worth it. Via Fernworth is the best route.

lauraaurora visited on 2nd Aug 2020 - their rating: Cond: 5 Amb: 4 Access: 3

Catrinm visited on 5th May 2018 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 2 It is indeed a long tedious walkout you can see the Fernworthy rows along the way

Reava visited on 13th Mar 2018 - their rating: Cond: 4 Access: 2

Reava visited on 27th May 2013 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 3

jeffrep visited on 20th May 2011 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 5 Access: 2 A long, long, long, long but wonderful walk across the open moor from Fernworthy Reservoir. And see Fernworthy Stone Circle on the way.

graemefield visited on 6th Jul 2008 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 5 Access: 2

BolshieBoris visited on 1st Jul 1997 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 2

cazzyjane visited - their rating: Cond: 5 Amb: 5 Access: 2

Bladup MikeGreen AngieLake hamish TheCaptain X-Ice Bolstered have visited here

Average ratings for this site from all visit loggers: Condition: 4.2 Ambience: 4.33 Access: 2.2

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by Bladup : The Grey Wethers. (Vote or comment on this photo)
The walk to this double-ringed circle is long and tedious, but well worth the effort. Excavated in 1898 and restored in 1909, they contained charcoal bits throughout. Attention to detail during construction is obvious in that the circles stand almost exactly north-south of one another.

Standing 4.6m (15 feet) from one another, the north circle is 32.7m (107 feet) in diameter while the other is a mere 20cm (8 inches) larger. Now well restored, they were erected below the crest of north-facing slope, along a pass between two hills. Of course JJ didn't bother to walk, but flew over instead! (see aerial photo below)

Access: Continue along the main forest track west from Fernworthy stone circle for a kilometre or so, until you reach a gate onto the open moor. From here, turn south and head up to the saddle of the land between the forest on your left, and Sittaford Tor on your right at just over a kilometre distance.

Update October 2019: This stone circle is featured on the Prehistoric Dartmoor Walks (PDW) website - see their entries for the Grey Wethers (S) Stone Circle and the Grey Wethers Double Stone Circle. PDW tells us: "This site is one of the most impressive on Dartmoor. The circles were restored in 1909 by Burnard. At the time only 9 stones remained standing in the north circle and 7 in the south circle. It is thought that the reconstruction is fairly accurate. The circles are separated by a few meters and are almost identical. Both circles have 30 stones".

The two stone circles at this location are recorded as Pastscape Monument No. 443916 and on the Devon and Dartmoor HER as MDV6759 (The Grey Wethers southern stone circle).

Both stone circles were recorded as Historic England List ID 1018707 (Two stone circles known as The Grey Wethers, three round cairns, two ring cairns and an oval enclosure in Great Stannon Newtake).
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Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by Bladup : The Greywethers stone circles. (Vote or comment on this photo)

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by Bladup : The Greywethers [Northern circle] with Fernworthy forest in the background. Cosdon hill [with cairn] is on the left. This Original Artwork in a glass frame has now sold, A limited (to a 100) edition print in a 8" x 10" glass frame would be £19.99 + £2.90 postage, E-mail me at [email protected] if interested. (Vote or comment on this photo)

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by cazzyjane : Superb location - but you cant hide from the wind here! (Vote or comment on this photo)

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by cazzyjane : Grey Wethers circle on a sunny but very windy September day. (Vote or comment on this photo)

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by cazzyjane : The September sun enhancing the stones. (2 comments - Vote or comment on this photo)

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by cazzyjane : The angular stones of Greywethers circle. (1 comment)

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by StoneLee : Grey Wethers in Grey (ish) weather

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by Bladup : The GreyWethers.

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by postman : Opposite sides of a circle.

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by postman : I know it's been reconstructed but I fell in love with these stones and I still am.

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by postman : Best site in Dartmoor

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by graemefield : The Grey Wethers stone circles, May 1992.

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by cazzyjane : Grey Wethers circle. Restored but still stunning.

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by mattimpey : It was far to wet to take any proper photos of Grey Wether Stones Cirlces with my nice camera, these were taken on my mobile phone. The views of the surrounding moor are well worth the hike. (5 comments)

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by GlavindStrachan : I thought it might be nice to see both the circles as they lie in the landscape 😍 Very cold and windy when we visited in April 2021

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by postman : Best site on Dartmoor

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by postman : Two for the price of one, well worth it.

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by Bladup : The GreyWethers.

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by jeffrep : Looking east at the Grey Wethers Stone Circles from the foot of Sittaford Tor, Dartmoor National Park, Devon, England.

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by caradoc68 : Grey wethers is two and a half miles north of postbridge.

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by mattimpey : Grey Wethers Stone Circles were restored in 1909. I have read that an early excavation in 1898 found charcoal at the site and at the Stone Circle in Fernworthy Forest.

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by wayland : SX 638 832

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by Malarchist : Absolute filth from our Bronze Age ancestors here at The Grey Wethers stone circles on Dartmoor. We'll never know if this stone was chosen deliberately for its phallic profile, but I can certainly believe it. These two circles are absolutely splendid, if restored a bit in 1909, and their remote location south west of Fernworthy forest is definitely part of the appeal. Examples of double (or trip...

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by Postman : The Equinox sun rise gets the jump on me once more. Rather than standing in amazement at the Greywethers im here lost in the forest. Amateur! (2 comments)

Grey Wethers.
Grey Wethers. submitted by Postman : Equinox sun rise over the south circle

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Megalithic Mysteries by Andy Burnham

Prehistoric Circles and Rows by Ian Honeywood
Paul Kenyon`s Database by Paul Kenyon
Paul Kenyon`s Database by Paul Kenyon

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 286m SSE 149° Sittaford Tor pound* Misc. Earthwork (SX64018288)
 358m SE 143° South Teignhead* Cairn (SX64088284)
 559m SSE 147° White Ridge Standing Stone* Standing Stone (Menhir) (SX6416282653)
 559m SSE 146° White Ridge pound* Ring Cairn (SX6416882656)
 591m SSE 163° Sittaford Marsh Hut Circles* Ancient Village or Settlement (SX6402982560)
 630m SW 219° Sittaford Tor Cairn* Cairn (SX6346182650)
 915m WSW 248° Sittaford Stone Circle* Stone Circle (SX63018281)
 1.1km NE 54° Fernworthy settlement* Ancient Village or Settlement (SX6481183777)
 1.2km NE 54° Hemstone Rocks Platform Cairn Circle* Cairn (SX6485683806)
 1.2km NE 52° Hemstone Rocks Ring Cairn and Cist* Cairn (SX6485283850)
 1.4km SSE 162° White Ridge SW settlements* Ancient Village or Settlement (SX64258181)
 1.4km NE 45° Froggymead Settlement* Ancient Village or Settlement (SX649841)
 1.5km SE 128° White Ridge cairn* Round Cairn (SX65028218)
 1.5km SSE 168° White Ridge SW cairn* Round Cairn (SX64158162)
 1.7km S 176° Lade Hill Brook Beehive Hut* Ancient Mine, Quarry or other Industry (SX63938145)
 1.9km ENE 60° Fernworthy Cairn 4* Cairn (SX65518403)
 1.9km ENE 57° Fernworthy Cairn SW* Cairn (SX65478410)
 1.9km ENE 58° Fernworthy stone row SE* Stone Row / Alignment (SX65498407)
 1.9km ENE 57° Fernworthy* Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue (SX65488410)
 1.9km ENE 57° Fernworthy stone row SW* Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue (SX6547984105)
 1.9km ENE 58° Fernworthy Cairn SE* Cairn (SX65498409)
 1.9km ENE 57° Fernworthy circle* Stone Circle (SX65488411)
 1.9km WNW 291° Quintins Man Cairn (SX62098386)
 1.9km ENE 59° Fernworthy Cairn E* Cairn (SX65568407)
 2.1km NE 53° Fernworthy Cairn N* Cairn (SX65548433)
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Megalithic Mysteries by Andy Burnham

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Prehistoric Circles and Rows by Ian Honeywood
Paul Kenyon`s Database by Paul Kenyon
Paul Kenyon`s Database by Paul Kenyon


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Re: Grey Wethers by noisemonkey on Saturday, 21 January 2017
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Really stunning site and worth the walk through Fernworthy so you can see the other stone circle in the woods. My photos are here: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@50.6310316,-3.9339298,3a,75y,8.24h,70.54t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1s-hO35XCphcAY%2FWHQTdzn9VVI%2FAAAAAAAAjQ0%2F-9LZIInkK8EDpHlobxNA5xI4CfQcrdDIQCLIB!2e4!3e11!6s%2F%2Flh5.googleusercontent.com%2F-hO35XCphcAY%2FWHQTdzn9VVI%2FAAAAAAAAjQ0%2F-9LZIInkK8EDpHlobxNA5xI4CfQcrdDIQCLIB%2Fw203-h100-k-no-pi-0-ya0-ro-0-fo100%2F!7i5376!8i2688!6m1!1e1
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Re: Grey Wethers by Anonymous on Friday, 12 December 2014
Grey Weathers was ‘restored’ by the Rev Baring Gould. He re-erected the stones, which were fallen, unfortunately he put them back upside down. All the other circles on Dartmoor are point upwards, Grey Weathers are point downwards!
There is a special location from which Grey Weathers is a horizon object. The approx map reference is SX 643 888, where there is a levelled observation platform and a spring rising.
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    Re: Grey Wethers by Anonymous on Saturday, 13 December 2014
    Interesting info. But there's clearly a typo with the grid reference.
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Re: Grey Wethers by coldrum on Wednesday, 07 October 2009
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Re: Grey Wethers by hamish on Monday, 14 November 2005
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The day we went to Grey Wethers was a little cold but dry. We got to Froggy Mead and took a turn on the left which eventually led us to a ladder stile over a wall. Here it was rather boggy and we were not sure where we were. We struck out up the valley and to the right, after a hard walk we eventually saw the circles in the distance. What a great place this is and what an atmosphere. I have been to some evocative places in my life but this takes a very high place on my list. We will come here again, even though we got lost in Fernworthy Forest and finally got back to the car in the dark. Wonderful Bright moon that evening.
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Re: Grey Wethers by Anonymous on Tuesday, 04 February 2003
In 1992, I parked up near this circle and walked, with no idea what was out there, straight to these circles. The intuition that led us there made me feel this was the stones calling me there, and this place has remained sacred ever since. Incredible to see it brought to life again, great photo. [email protected]
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