<< Our Photo Pages >> Maes Knoll - Hillfort in England in Somerset

Submitted by The Captain on Thursday, 03 June 2004  Page Views: 42086

Iron Age and Later PrehistorySite Name: Maes Knoll Alternative Name: Maes Tump
Country: England
NOTE: This site is 0.2 km away from the location you searched for.

County: Somerset Type: Hillfort
Nearest Town: Bristol  Nearest Village: Norton Malreward
Map Ref: ST600660  Landranger Map Number: 172
Latitude: 51.391620N  Longitude: 2.576274W
4Almost Perfect
3Reasonable but with some damage
2Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site
1Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks
0No data.
-1Completely destroyed
3 Ambience:
2Not Good
0No data.
4 Access:
5Can be driven to, probably with disabled access
4Short walk on a footpath
3Requiring a bit more of a walk
2A long walk
1In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find
0No data.
3 Accuracy:
5co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates
4co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map
3co-ordinates scaled from a bad map
2co-ordinates of the nearest village
1co-ordinates of the nearest town
0no data

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4clydesdale7 visited on 5th May 2012 As good a panorama as Solsbury Hill - Dundry Ridge; The Clifton Suspension Bridge; The Severn Bridge; the City of Bristol; the Westbury White Horse; Stanton Drew Great Circle; Chew Valley Lake

lboutside visited - their rating: Cond: 3 Amb: 4 Access: 3

TheWhiteRider TheCaptain have visited here

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by TheCaptain : Maes Knoll Hillfort, Norton Malreward, North Somerset, ST600660. The western end of the fort is made across a narrow neck of the ridge of high land, and consists of a massive ditch and bank, known as “The Tump”, which must be 15 metres high from the ditch to the top. This is a view to the south from the top of the Tump towards Chew Lake and the Mendips. (Vote or comment on this photo)
The remains of this Iron age hillfort lie at the eastern end of the Dundry Hill ridge just to the south of Bristol.

The hillfort consists of a fairly large flat open area, roughly triangular in shape, that has been fortified by ramparts and shaping of the steep sided hilltop around the northern, eastern and southwestern sides of the hill.

The western end of the fort is made across a narrow neck of the ridge of high land, and consists of a massive ditch and bank, known as "The Tump", which must be 15 metres high from the ditch to the top.

To the east from this fort can be made out sections of the western end of Wansdyke, which is usually thought to start, or terminate here at this fort. As is often the case, the views from this fort are tremendous, with a splendid view over the lands it would have once commanded. From here, there are clear views north to Bristol, east to Bath and the Cotswold Hills, and south over Stanton Drew stone circles to Chew Lake and the Mendips. I was surprised just how clearly the stones at Stanton Drew could be seen.

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Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by TheWhiteRider : Stanton Drew, the second furthest collection of buildings, seen from Maes Knoll Hill Fort (Vote or comment on this photo)

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by TheWhiteRider : Maes Knoll Hill Fort (Vote or comment on this photo)

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by thecaptain : Maes Knoll Hillfort, Norton Malreward, North Somerset, ST600660. The western end of the fort is made across a narrow neck of the ridge of high land, and consists of a massive ditch and bank, known as “The Tump”, which must be 15 metres high from the ditch to the top. It is generally considered that this is the western end of Wansdyke. (Vote or comment on this photo)

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : The large north western defences from the trig point (Vote or comment on this photo)

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, Looking south east over the western side of the fort from the large north western bank

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, Looking east over the northern side of the fort from the large north western bank

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, Looking south east at the large north western defences from outside the fort at the north west

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, Looking south east over the square earthwork on the north western defences

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, Looking south east over the interior of the fort from the large north western defences

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, Looking north along the large north western defences, Bristol is clearly visible in the background, In the foreground and on the bank in the photo is a flat square area, I've no idea what it is but it's at the highest part of the defences and may have once been the site of a wooden viewing tower

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, Looking north along the large north western defences, Bristol is clearly visible in the background

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, Looking south over the western side of the fort

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, The north east side of the north western defences

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, The south west side of the north western defences

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort from near Stantan Drew Stone Circles

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, Looking north from outside the fort at the southern bank

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, Looking south over the south eastern part of the fort

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, Looking over the defences on the eastern side

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, The eastern side of the fort looking south

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, The northern part of the eastern side of the fort looking north

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, The northern part of the eastern side of the fort looking south

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, The north eastern corner of the fort

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup

Maes Knoll
Maes Knoll submitted by Bladup : Maes Knoll Fort, Overgrown defences on the northern part of the fort

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Nearby sites listing. In the following links * = Image available
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 2.7km S 178° Stanton Drew - Avenue* Multiple Stone Rows / Avenue (ST60076331)
 2.7km S 180° Stanton Drew* Stone Circle (ST60006330)
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 8.0km NNW 334° Clifton Down Camp* Hillfort (ST56587329)
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"Maes Knoll" | Login/Create an Account | 5 News and Comments
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Re: Maes Knoll by Anonymous on Sunday, 29 October 2017
I walked up in back in 1993 & found the views from the top great. Andy
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Re: Maes Knoll by Anonymous on Saturday, 21 February 2009
Just walked up through the fields to the tump today for the first time since I was 12 (32 years ago).
Fantastic views of Bristol and Chew Valley. Nothing there to show visitors the history all though I don't think tourists are welcome
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Re: Maes Knoll by Anonymous on Wednesday, 15 August 2007
When I was a boy in the late 1940's, there was a small wooden structure on the top of Maes Knoll Tump. I lived in Knowle West, Bristol, and during summer holidays often walked all the way to Maes Knoll.
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Re: Maes Knoll by Anonymous on Monday, 08 May 2006
Access:not welcome
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    Re: Maes Knoll by 4clydesdale7 on Sunday, 06 May 2012
    (User Info | Send a Message)
    Thankfully over the past 6 years attitudes seem to have mellowed - absolutely no problems gaining access from the South - great views - spotted two deer - as I stated in my visit report this is as good as Solsbury Hill (overlooking Bath) and well worth a visit - good stiff climb to get onto the Camp but worth the effort
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