<< Our Photo Pages >> Bury Hill (Hampshire) - Hillfort in England in Hampshire

Submitted by JimChampion on Sunday, 21 July 2002  Page Views: 21004

Iron Age and Later PrehistorySite Name: Bury Hill (Hampshire)
Country: England County: Hampshire Type: Hillfort
Nearest Town: Andover  Nearest Village: Upper Clatford
Map Ref: SU345435  Landranger Map Number: 185
Latitude: 51.189689N  Longitude: 1.507712W
4Almost Perfect
3Reasonable but with some damage
2Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site
1Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks
0No data.
-1Completely destroyed
3 Ambience:
2Not Good
0No data.
no data Access:
5Can be driven to, probably with disabled access
4Short walk on a footpath
3Requiring a bit more of a walk
2A long walk
1In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find
0No data.
4 Accuracy:
5co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates
4co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map
3co-ordinates scaled from a bad map
2co-ordinates of the nearest village
1co-ordinates of the nearest town
0no data

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Rulebritannia visited on 10th Apr 2013 - their rating: Cond: 2 Amb: 3 Access: 4 Only the outer ring is accessible the middle is private but visible, only a lone dead tree, with the sound of a Woodpecker hammering.

JohnLindsay visited on 1st Jan 2012 - their rating: Cond: 3 Amb: 4 Access: 4 A short walk from Andover station, along a designed path through the town by the river, then up the hill. Rather puzzling that Andover returned so many hits on search, must work this one out. The museum of the iron age has much. The church looks to me to be on a mound. There is another site, trashed apparently by road building which didn't pop up in search but I can't remember the name without my map.

SolarMegalith visited on 19th Jun 2011 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 4 Well-preserved Iron Age hillfort, however summer does not seem to be the best time to visit it - northern and eastern part of the ditch are completely overgrown.

JimChampion have visited here

Average ratings for this site from all visit loggers: Condition: 3 Ambience: 3.67 Access: 4

Bury Hill (Hampshire)
Bury Hill (Hampshire) submitted by JimChampion : January 2005. View looking north from the western portion of the ditch between the two ramparts. The ditch is wide and deep, with plenty of yew, silver birch and beech trees. The ditch on the eastern side is less heavily wooded, and churned up by farm machinery. Plenty of wildlife here, but little in the way of pre-historic remains. (Vote or comment on this photo)
Hillfort in Hampshire

The Hampshire Treasures resource says:
Encloses about 22 acres, the earliest phase represented by the slight univallate rampart and ditch north and west of the stronger bivallate later earthworks, part of which overlies the earlier work. Re-occupation continued well into the Roman period. Used as a camp by King Canute in 1016, when he fought Edmund Ironside in the Battle of Andover.

Access The public right of way is around the ring only. The land to either side and the centre of the ring is private. It is possible to park close by on the minor road to the south of the ring, and the footpath is signposted. The right of way is on top of the inner rampart, and can be slippery underfoot. The ditch between the two ramparts is wide and deep, and the ramparts are wooded with yew, silver birch and ash.
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Bury Hill (Hampshire)
Bury Hill (Hampshire) submitted by SolarMegalith : Rampart and a ditch in southern sector of Bury Hill fort (photo taken on June 2011). (Vote or comment on this photo)

Bury Hill (Hampshire)
Bury Hill (Hampshire) submitted by SolarMegalith : View from the rampart into the ditch - the outer rampart (constructed later then internal one) is perfectly visible (photo taken on June 2011). (Vote or comment on this photo)

Bury Hill (Hampshire)
Bury Hill (Hampshire) submitted by SolarMegalith : Well-preserved rampart and in southern part of an Iron Age hillfort (photo taken on June 2011). (Vote or comment on this photo)

Bury Hill (Hampshire)
Bury Hill (Hampshire) submitted by SolarMegalith : Outer rampart (left), ditch and internal rampart (right) of Bury Hill fort (photo taken on June 2011). (Vote or comment on this photo)

Bury Hill (Hampshire)
Bury Hill (Hampshire) submitted by SolarMegalith : Interior of the hillfort - view from the NE (photo taken on June 2011). (Vote or comment on this photo)

Bury Hill (Hampshire)
Bury Hill (Hampshire) submitted by SolarMegalith : Top part of the rampart in western sector of the hillfort (photo taken on June 2011).

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