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Megalithic Mysteries - England Navigation:
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Restored in the 1860s, this 23.8m (78-foot) perfect circle is Cornwall's pride and joy. Each of the nineteen stones is about 1.2m (4 feet) high, and evenly spaced at about 3.7m (12-foot) intervals. There is a larger gap 6.2 (20 feet) located at the east, which may indicate an astronomically-related entrance to the circle. There is a well-known tradition that the stones represent maidens who were turned into stone for dancing on the Sabbath.
Access: In field just off the B3315 from Penzance.
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Rating: General Impression 4, Ambience 3, Access 5
Images on this page are � Tom Bullock
Megalithic Mysteries - England Navigation:
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