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Stanton Moor Cairns
Nine Ladies
The Bullring

Cairns / Stone Circle / Henge, Derbyshire

Nine Ladies Stone Circle
Photo: � Alastair McIvor

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The only named circle of the four on Stanton Moor one is the Nine Ladies, quite a famous circle in the area and much visited by hippy types. Two of the other circles are shown below. One is in a pretty decrepid The last one is in such a bad state that it is not worth photographing.
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Nine Ladies Aerial Views, Click for Hi-Res Images

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ds1b.jpg (14364 bytes)

Dol Tor, is in a little wood to the west of the moor.

Stanton Moor III & IV

Stanton Moor III
a circular henge with
possible stones by the
two entrances

Stanton Moor V
This shot captures the
feel of the moor well.

The Bullring, which is an enormous henge nothing like Avebury scale but still quite large, originally with stones but now long since without. It is a strange thing as it is in the middle of a playing field behind a row of houses in a little place called Dove Holes which is a real dump of a place.

The Bullring

The Bullring

Nearby is Nine Stones Close, which is in a field under the shadow of a natural rock formation called Robin Hood's stride (an ancient reference to the Green Man, Herne the Hunter, not the Errol flynn lookalike) a little further to the west still, so all those are in the same vicinity.

Personal: A great book for Derbyshire is Barnett's "Stone Circles of the Peak" this contains invaluable details about how to walk right to each one, and then how to pick them out of the undergrowth where they are not obvious. Thanks to Alastair McIvor for authoring this page.

Aerial views  � JJ Evendon, Other photograph(s) � Alastair McIvor

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