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Four out of the original 13 large stones of this impressive circle are missing, and 3 were re-erected after excavation. The 2 portal stones are 240cm high and are set radially. The axis from these to the large axial-stone on the W side points to sunset at the equinoxes.
20m E of the circle is a boulder-burial, whose large coverstone has 7 or more small cup-marks on its upper surface. Two of the 3 small supporting stones are of quartz; a fourth has been uprooted. A loose slab nearby also bears cup-marks. The complex, which included a rectangular wooden house (ex- cavated) is of Bronze Age date, as might be expected.
800m SW and 1.5 km (just under 1 ml) E of Ross Carbery, a short distance W of a byroad in Burgatia (W 303 355), is another boulder-burial, comprising a large boulder resting on the inner edges of 2 flat-topped blocks, one of which is a quartz conglomerate.
800m S of Bohonagh is Ahaglaslin portal-tomb. Other nearby stone circles are at Drombeg and Reanascreena South.
Access: 2.4km (1 � ml) E by N of Ross Carbery, to the NW of the road from Ross Carbery to Clonakilty, halfway between it and the byroad leading to Quaker's Crossroads. See above for map links
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