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Stone Circle, Clwyd

Image � Mark Lloyd
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A picture of Tyfos taken 23rd June 1999 - my partner arranged a surprise trip to Tyfos and Moel ty Uchaf for my birthday! We couldn't get any nearer without disturbing the farmer.

The circle is about 50yds diameter with stones 1 to 2 feet tall. It's slightly raised above a one track metalled road running parallel to the river Dee, about 10yds from the road. We thought we could see the cicle from Moel y Uchaf! The impact is slightly reduced by the overlooking farmhouse buts it's a lovely situation by the river (as J Cope also says!)

Best wishes, Mark Lloyd & Sian Griffith

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Rating: General Impression 2, Ambience 3, Access 2

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