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Prehistoric Society

jccover.gif (18492 bytes)The Modern Antiquarian - Julian Cope
Hardcover - 448 pages ( 5 October, 1998) Thorsons
Excellent gazetteer of 250 interesting, unusal and 'off the beaten track sites', together with Julian's own theories. See the 'New Ideas' section for more details
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Archaeology Book Offers:

Published as a Tribute to Dr Aubrey Burl:

Prehistoric Ritual and Religion 
Alex Gibson (Editor), Derek Simpson (Editor)

Paperback - 242 pages new edition (20 August, 1998)
Sutton Publishing; ISBN: 0750915986

The book concentrates first on monumental remains such as stone circles, passage graves, timber circles, palisaded sites and henge monuments. These structures indicate the richness and emotive power of prehistoric architecture, and they are among the most conspicuous signs of early human society to survive in substantial numbers in the present landscape...

Only �9.74 each+p&p Published Price �14.99  - a saving of over 35%

Archaeological Resource Management

Archaeological Resource Management in the UK: An Introduction
John Hunter, Ian Ralston (Editor)

Publisher: Sutton Publishing
ISBN: 0750916079  ���  Softcover 

Examines the impact on the archaeology profession of heritage management and legislation, stricter planning controls, changing land use, and the pressure of public concern and commercial interest regarding archaeological sites. Among the discussions are the problems of field work, the management of trusts, design considerations, and presenting archaeology to the public.

Only �7.49 each+p&p Published Price �14.99  - a saving of 50%

Stone Circles: a Beginner's Guide - Robin Heath
Paperback - 96 pages (15 March, 1999) Hodder & Stoughton Educational
Brand new book from a new writer on the subject with some good ideas. Should be worth a look.
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Prehistoric Britain from the Air - by Janet Bord, Colin Bord, Jason Hawkes (Photographer)
A magnificent aerial survey of the relics of ancient Britain and a fascinating exploration of the mystery and legends surrounding them. Featuring 135 color photos. The landscape of Britain abounds in the haunting traces of prehistoric man: neolithic henges, Bronze Age stone circles, great hill forts of the Iron Age. Seen from the rare perspective offered in Jason Hawkes' dramatic aerial photographs, the sites and structures--from Stonehenge to the Uffington White Horse--take on new significance. Combing the archaeological records, Janet and Colin Bord decode the myths and legends of the ancient past; they also explain how each site was used, reconstructing the living patterns of early man. 135 color photos, Hardcover, Published by Trafalgar Square, Publication date: February 1998
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Stone circles of the Peak - John Barnatt
A guide book to the stone circles of the Peak District revealing the intimate relationship between prehistoric man and the landscape

Megaliths : Stones of Memory (Discoveries) - Jean-Pierre Mohen
Paperback (March 1999), Abrams;
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0500300909_m.gif (13234 bytes)Standing Stones, Jean-Pierre Mohen
Paperback - 176 pages (28 February, 1999), Thames and Hudson;
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Standing Stones of Europe : A Guide to the Great Megalithic Monuments - Alastair Service, Jean Bradbery
Reissue Edition, Paperback, Published by Trafalgar Square, Publication date: February 1997
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Click for more Stonehenge : A New Interpretation of Prehistoric Man and the Cosmos - John David North
the monument from all angles--archeological, astronomical, and spiritual
Click for more Stonehenge Revealed - David Souden
The latest archaeological methods provide fascinating insights. Over 200 striking full-color photographs.
Click for more Megaliths : Stones of Memory - Jean-Pierre Mohen
Inexpensive new book from the French scholar
Click for more Standing Stones - Jean-Pierre Mohen
Stonehenge, Carnac and the World of Megaliths. Another good value book
Click for more The Stonehenge People - Rodney Castleden
An Exploration of Life in Neolithic Britain, 4700-2000 Bc
Click for more Stonehenge Complete - Christopher Chippindale
The First Stonehenge, The Bluestone Enigma, The Meaning of Stonehenge, The chronology of Stonehenge

Prehistoric Society

0712679545.gif (10872 bytes)Hengeworld - Mike Pitts
Hardcover - 386 pages (22 June, 2000)
From an archaeologist and co-author of Fairweather Eden (on the Boxgrove excavations), comes a book that takes us from hard facts to speculation on prehistoric minds. Mike Pitts' Hengeworld unites societies of different dates, places and pottery styles by the action of building "circular enclosed spaces", seeking to "confront real people" from that henge-building Neolithic world. Dealing principally, but far from exclusively, with Stonehenge and Avebury, Hengeworld asks the usual questions concerning how they were built, how they looked in their time and the extent to which astronomy and religion had a part in their purpose. Combining reports of his own digs and new research with a re-examination of evidence gathered in the past, Mike Pitts also makes some significant new discoveries and solves some intriguing mysteries from the recent history of archaeological excavation along the way. Probing beyond the material world, he suggests "new contexts" for Stonehenge which "envisage metaphor and symbol". Hengeworld is supported by clear diagrams and well-documented evidence: there are over 75 pages of appended radiocarbon date tables, notes and bibliographic information. But Mike Pitts also tells a good story, ably capturing the excitement of new discoveries with an almost chatty writing style and touches of humour and suspense. This is a book which amateurs and professionals alike should find valuable and evocative. - Karen Tiley
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The Stonehenge People : An Exploration of Life in Neolithic Britain, 4700-2000 Bc - by Rodney Castleden
Reprint Edition, Paperback, 282 pages, Published by Routledge, Publication date: January 1, 1993, Dimensions (in inches): 8.48 x 5.42 x .79
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The Significance of Monuments : On the Shaping of Human Experience in Neolithic and Bronze Age Europe - Richard Bradley
Paperback, Published by Routledge, Publication date: April 1998
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Science and Society in Prehistoric Britain -
Euan Wallace MacKie

Hardcover, Published by St Martins Pr (Short), Publication date: June 1977
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The Social Foundations of Prehistoric Britain - R Bradley
Paperback - 208 pages ( 3 September, 1984), Addison Wesley Longman Higher Education;
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Understanding the Neolithic - Julian Thomas
Paperback - 288 pages, Routledge;
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English Heritage Book of Prehistoric Settlements - Robert Bewley
Paperback - 144 pages (30 September, 1994), Batsford;
Sounds very dull but isn't!
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Neolithic Britain - Joshua Pollard
Paperback (August 1997)
Shire Publications Ltd;
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Ancient Rock Carvings from Great Britain and Ireland - Chris Mansell
Hardcover - 51 pages (10 June, 1997), Wooden Books;
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Rock Art and the Prehistory of Atlantic Europe : Signing the Land - Richard Bradley
Paperback - 296 pages (June 1997)
Routledge; ISBN:
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Before Civilisation - Colin Renfrew
Paperback - 320 pages (31 May, 1990), Penguin Books;
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0521454735_m.gif (16501 bytes)The Cambridge Illustrated History of Prehistoric Art - Paul G. Bahn
Hardcover - 334 pages (15 November, 1997), Cambridge University Press;
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