<< Our Photo Pages >> The face of Dacian King Decebalus - Sculptured Stone in Romania
Submitted by mfrincu on Tuesday, 18 August 2015 Page Views: 3512
Modern SitesSite Name: The face of Dacian King DecebalusCountry: Romania
NOTE: This site is 3.262 km away from the location you searched for.
Type: Sculptured Stone
Nearest Town: Orsova Nearest Village: Ieselnita
Latitude: 44.641200N Longitude: 22.291200E
5 | Perfect |
4 | Almost Perfect |
3 | Reasonable but with some damage |
2 | Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site |
1 | Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks |
0 | No data. |
-1 | Completely destroyed |
5 | Superb |
4 | Good |
3 | Ordinary |
2 | Not Good |
1 | Awful |
0 | No data. |
5 | Can be driven to, probably with disabled access |
4 | Short walk on a footpath |
3 | Requiring a bit more of a walk |
2 | A long walk |
1 | In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find |
0 | No data. |
5 | co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates |
4 | co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map |
3 | co-ordinates scaled from a bad map |
2 | co-ordinates of the nearest village |
1 | co-ordinates of the nearest town |
0 | no data |
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mfrincu visited on 17th Aug 2015 - their rating: Cond: 5 Amb: 5 Access: 5 I took a boat trip to this statue. Amazing masonry and splendid views!

It is the tallest rock sculpture in Europe.
Source: wikipedia.
You can view the sculpture from the bridge in front of it or you can hire a boat to take you right beneath it for a splendid view.
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Nearby sites listing. In the following links * = Image available
2.5km NE 41° Tabula Traiana* Carving
23.0km WSW 246° Lepenski Vir* Ancient Village or Settlement
24.8km E 93° Schela Cladovei* Ancient Village or Settlement
29.8km E 94° Trajan's Roman Bridge* Ancient Trackway
36.8km SSW 209° Rudna Glava Ancient Mine, Quarry or other Industry
44.4km W 272° Chindiei 2 Cave* Rock Art
82.0km S 181° Zaječar museum* Museum
83.0km S 186° Felix Romuliana* Ancient Palace
84.5km W 277° Viminacium* Ancient Village or Settlement
84.8km NE 51° Priest's Cave* Rock Art
111.5km SW 220° Zavičajni Muzej Paraćin* Museum
117.3km WSW 241° Grncarica Ancient Village or Settlement
119.3km NE 40° Banita Dacian citadel Hillfort
126.2km NNE 32° Luncani-Piatra Rosie Dacian citadel* Hillfort
132.5km W 276° Vinca Belo Brdo* Ancient Village or Settlement
132.7km NNE 31° Ardeu Dacian Hillfort* Hillfort
132.7km NNE 31° Mihu Tower* Stone Fort or Dun
133.1km NNE 31° Costesti-Blidaru Dacian citadel* Hillfort
133.9km NNE 30° Costesti-Cetatuie Dacian citadel* Hillfort
135.1km NE 36° Sarmizegetusa Regia citadel* Hillfort
135.3km NE 36° Sarmizegetusa Regia Sacred Well* Holy Well or Sacred Spring
135.3km NE 36° Sarmizegetusa Regia Circle* Stone Circle
135.3km NE 36° Sarmizegetusa Regia Sanctuary* Ancient Temple
140.8km SSW 214° Narodni Muzej Kruševac* Museum
143.2km NW 320° Parta Neolithic Sanctuary* Ancient Temple
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