Submit details of an Ancient Site
Please put as much information as you have in the form below.
You will be able to send us photos or other images of this site on the next page.

Your Name: Anonymous [ Register Now ]

Name of Ancient Site Put the most common name - if it doesn't have a name think of a local landmark

(Please check first that we don't already list it. You can use our search page to check (opens in new window))

Country: For UK choose England, Scotland, Wales or Ireland (Northern).
If not listed please ask with the 'Contact Editor' box to the left and we will add it

Type of Site: Please choose the closest type. (If not totally accurate include details in the text)

Alternate Name(s) (Please list any alternate names, separated by commas, or leave blank)

Nearest Town (Optional)

Nearest Village (Optional)

Condition (Optional, 1 to 5, or -1 for a destroyed site)

Ambience (Optional, 1 to 5, 5 is best)

Access (Optional, 1 to 5, 5 is best)

PID from eGallery (Optional, is there an image of this site already in our eGallery - enter its PID number here)

Details of Site (Please give a description of this site or any comments for the Editors (Optional)

Click on the buttons to add HTML to your message:

You can also embed videos and other things. For Youtube please copy and paste the 'embed code'.
For Google Street View please include Street View in the text.
Create a web link like this: <a href="">This is a link</a>  

Allowed HTML is:
<p> <b> <i> <a> <img> <em> <br> <strong> <blockquote> <tt> <li> <ol> <ul> <object> <param> <embed> <iframe>
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