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We are the official online shop of the Megalithic Portal web resource. All proceeds support our running costs.

New Books and other products - Updated for Spring 2024

We are open and shipping three times a week

Dozens of Classic Used Archaeology and 'Mysteries' Books now on Sale

Dozens of Classic Used Archaeology and 'Mysteries' Books now on Sale

Have a look at our list of classic Megalithic, Archaeology and Earth Mysteries books for sale, most at bargain prices. There is only one of each book so don't delay. Books are priced at 10% or less than the typical Amazon price for the same used book. We can ship worldwide so see this page for how to order.

We also have quite a selection of French language books on megaliths in France, Britain and around the world, please ask if you are interested in these and I will put a list together.

To purchase please email your order to [email protected] and I will reply with a total including shipping at cost.

We're happy to ship worldwide but international shipping for books is quite expensive due to the weight. Please say if you would like tracking (extra £1 for UK or £5 elsewhere) and if you would like to pay by Paypal or credit/debit card.

Have a look down the list here.

More titles still being added so check back soon for more... Andy

Stone Circle Calendars: A New Understanding

Stone Circle Calendars: A New Understanding by Jack Morris-Eyton

Jack Morris-Eyton's research, with many additional contributions from David Smyth, has been brought together and just published by his eldest daughter in this new book. The book has over 240 photographs and illustrations, including many of Jack’s own. It is testament to his research and brings an unrivalled insight into one of the most complete great stone circles in the British Isles.

More Details and Ordering

A New Dimension to Ancient Measures

A New Dimension to Ancient Measures - Dr Thomas Gough and Peter Harris

Paperback, 2021.

After many years of research and fieldwork, Dr Thomas Gough and Peter Harris have published their work as a book. The initial purpose of the research for this book was to establish that a unit of length, the Harris and Stockdale Megalithic Foot, (HSMF), of 1.1785 feet, as deduced by Peter Harris and Norman Stockdale was known and used in prehistoric Britain.

More Details and Ordering

NEW: Hare and Tabor T Shirts

NEW: Hare and Tabor T Shirts

Many ancient site themed designs, including Hill Figures, Pictish Carvings and of course Stonehenge

£17.85 + p&p - Click for more details

NEW: Megalithic Portal Long Sleeved T Shirts

NEW: Megalithic Portal Long Sleeved T Shirts


Our T shirts come free with a 3 year membership and you can now order a Long Sleeved version too

Click for more details

NEW: Stonehenge Tea Towel - The Lithology of Stonehenge

NEW: Stonehenge Tea Towel - The Lithology of Stonehenge

A beautiful vintage print from an illustration by Heywood Sumner. Sourced from the 1916 book Stonehenge Today and Yesterday by Frank Stevens. which was at the time the official HMSO guide to Stonehenge and the surrounding area.

£9.990 + p&p - Click for more details

3rd Stone Magazines Free to Download

3rd Stone Magazines Free to Download

Published until 2003, 3rd Stone was the premier journal for in-depth articles on ancient sites, folklore and unusual archaeology. In addition to well researched feature articles and papers, each issue has comprehensive and authorititave reviews section, abstracts, news and columns. Most of the content is still relevant, and each issue shines a light on the progressive 'earth mysteries' culture of the 1990s, out of which sprang a good deal of modern archaeological thinking, Julan Cope's Modern Antiquarian books, not to mention the Megalithic Portal as well.

Free Download - Click for more details

Avebury Archaeology Map

Avebury Archaeology Map - Thomas Melrose

A beautiful map of the vast stone circle of Avebury. Made with a combination of LIDAR laser scanning, Aerial photography and detailed Photogrammetry of the stones, giving unrivalled accuracy and detail. This has to be the most accurate and enlightening map of Avebury ever produced.

£9.75 + p&p - Click for more details

The Old Stones - the major New Field Guide from the Megalithic Portal

The Old Stones Megalithic Sites Field Guide

Our new book! The most comprehensive and thought-provoking field guide ever published to the iconic standing stones and prehistoric places of Britain and Ireland

click for more details

Megalithic Portal Smartphone Apps (Pocket Guide - Megaliths)

Megalithic Portal iPhone App (Pocket Guide - Megaliths) or free with membership

Megalithic Portal Android App - Sorry Temporarily Unavailable

Kilmartin Sounds of Ancient Scotland CD

Kilmartin Sounds of Ancient Scotland CD
Using original instruments and reconstructions, this unique CD offers, for the first time, a chance to hear the sounds that would have been familiar to our forebears thousands of years ago.

Last Few: £9.99 + p&p (Was £11.99)

Click for more details

Stone Circles CD-ROM

New Low Price: Stone Circles and Rows Greatly Updated Second Edition. Now crammed onto a single CD-ROM and updated to version 2.1
A Photographic Tour on two CD-ROMs by Tom Bullock
  • Hi-Res Photographs and descriptions of almost 1300 stone circles and rows visited by the author over a fifteen year period.
  • Map-based navigation with over 60 maps
  • Updates for v2.1: Tom spent 3 months visiting more stone circles and rows. No one else has personally visited and published more of these sites.

Click for more details

Meini Hirion and the Sarns of Anglesey

Meini Hirion and the Sarns of Anglesey - William Evans

Anglesey has far more than its fair share of standing stones, in keeping with the large quantity of archaeological sites on the island. Most of these are large solitary stones, mainly of Bronze origin although are some that were erected recently.Since very early times man has puzzled over the reasons for their existence, and many theories have been put forward. generally these have been that they were great places of importance to the people of the time, possibly of "religious" significance. Dr. William Evans noticed that there was a pattern to their layout on Anglesey.

Price £6.00+p&p, click for more details<

A Modern Builder's Guide to the Megalithic Revival

Stone Circles, A Modern Builder's Guide to the Megalithic Revival - Rob Roy

Paperback, 370pp. Chelsea Green, 1999.

Click for More Details

On the Track of a Prehistoric Economy

On the Track of a Prehistoric Economy - Hans Peter Blankholm

Aarhus University Press, 1995, 320 pages

This academic study looks at maglemosian subsistence in early postglacial South Scandinavia, with detailed studies of the architectural history of various sites and anthropological notes such as sex and age distribution and the use of tools for hunting, fishing and gathering.

Price £7.99+p&p, click for more detailsPublished price £22.95, a saving of over 65%

Landscapes and Desire

Landscapes and Desire - Catherine Tuck & Alun Bull

Hardback, 256pp. Sutton Publishing, 2003

An investigation into the sexually inspired landscapesand monuments of Britain. Amusing and fascinating. From Men-A-Tol to landscaped gardens to Victorian Britain. It's all here!

Only £9.99+p&p, click for more details Published price £20, a saving of over 50%


Megalithomania: Artists, Antiquarians and Archaeologists at the Old Stone Monuments - John Michell

168 pages, The Squeeze Press, April 2007

A new paperback edition of this classic book. A feast of extraordinary theories and personalities centred around the mysterious standing stones. John Mitchell tells the wonderful story of the reactions, ancient and modern, to these prehistoric relics, whether astronomical, legendary, mystical or visionary.

Only £4.99+p&p Published price £12.99, a saving of over 60% Click for More Details

A Little History of Astro-Archaeology, Stages in the Transformation of a Heresy - John Michell

A Little History of Astro-Archaeology - John Michell

John Michell's acclaimed "Little History" charts the development of archaeoastronomy, illustrating the principal sites and personalities, and summing up its present state and exciting prospects for the future.

Only £4.99+p&p (RRP £10.95)
Click for More Details

Use Wear Analysis and Obsidian: Theory, Experiments and Results (Sheffield Archaeological Monographs)

Use Wear Analysis and Obsidian: Theory, Experiments and Results

Sheffield Archaeological Monographs, Hardcover, 248 pages, 1992, ISBN 0906090423

This volume investigates a technique for the functional analysis of obsidian tools and a small archaeological case study: the lunates from the Bronze Age Sardinian site of Ortu Comidu is examined using the technique and approach. The discussion includes an assessment of wear formation theories and the role of functional information within archaeology. The technique and approach is brought to bear on a small archaeologucal case study: the lunates from the Bronze Age Sardinian site of Ortu Comidu.

Only £4.99+p&p Published price £60, a saving of over 85%
Click for More Details

This page last edited on Friday, 16-Feb-2024 19:04:56 UTC