<< Text Pages >> Bromley Museum - Museum in England in Greater London
Submitted by vicky on Thursday, 02 August 2007 Page Views: 9089
MuseumsSite Name: Bromley MuseumCountry: England
NOTE: This site is 1.937 km away from the location you searched for.
County: Greater London Type: Museum
Nearest Town: Orpington
Map Ref: TQ465665 Landranger Map Number: 177
Latitude: 51.378654N Longitude: 0.103633E
5 | Perfect |
4 | Almost Perfect |
3 | Reasonable but with some damage |
2 | Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site |
1 | Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks |
0 | No data. |
-1 | Completely destroyed |
5 | Superb |
4 | Good |
3 | Ordinary |
2 | Not Good |
1 | Awful |
0 | No data. |
5 | Can be driven to, probably with disabled access |
4 | Short walk on a footpath |
3 | Requiring a bit more of a walk |
2 | A long walk |
1 | In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find |
0 | No data. |
5 | co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates |
4 | co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map |
3 | co-ordinates scaled from a bad map |
2 | co-ordinates of the nearest village |
1 | co-ordinates of the nearest town |
0 | no data |
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External Links:

Museum (NOW CLOSED) in Greater London.
There is now a display in Bromley Central Library, which is home to the John Lubbock collection. John Lubbock was an important early archaeologist and friend of Charles Darwin.
Note: Childrens events 7th-10th August. See comment.
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