<< Text Pages >> Negen Stones - Standing Stones in England in Surrey

Submitted by Andy B on Friday, 18 February 2005  Page Views: 12957

Neolithic and Bronze AgeSite Name: Negen Stones
Country: England County: Surrey Type: Standing Stones
Nearest Town: Staines
Map Ref: TQ030714
Latitude: 51.432250N  Longitude: 0.519715W
4Almost Perfect
3Reasonable but with some damage
2Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site
1Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks
0No data.
-1Completely destroyed
Destroyed Ambience:
2Not Good
0No data.
1 Access:
5Can be driven to, probably with disabled access
4Short walk on a footpath
3Requiring a bit more of a walk
2A long walk
1In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find
0No data.
1 Accuracy:
5co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates
4co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map
3co-ordinates scaled from a bad map
2co-ordinates of the nearest village
1co-ordinates of the nearest town
0no data

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Possible lost Standing Stones in Surrey

The name of the town of Staines means "stones" and it is thought to come from a group of nine stones mentioned in a twelfth century charter of Chertsey Abbey which delineated the boundaries of the Abbey lands, and was reported in Up Pontes by Christine Lake. The settlement of Staines is very ancient, with evidence of habitation from Mesolithic times. The charter says this:

"Down to that Eyre that stands in the Thames at Lodders Lake and so along Thames by mid-stream to Glenthuthe (Glanty: M25 roundabout), from Glenhuthe by mid-stream along Thames to the Huthe (Hythe) before Negen Stones". ("Negen stanes" is Saxon for "nine stones").

More at The Old Stones of Staines (archive link).
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Nearby Images from Geograph Britain and Ireland:
TQ0371 : The Thames by Oliver White
by Oliver White
TQ0371 : View from the bridge by Dennis Turner
by Dennis Turner
TQ0371 : Superstore by Dennis Turner
by Dennis Turner
TQ0271 : Modern Milestone by the A308, The Causeway, Staines by A Rosevear
by A Rosevear
TQ0271 : Roundabout at the entrance to Sainsbury's on The Causeway by David Howard
by David Howard

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Nearby sites listing. In the following links * = Image available
 1.3km NNW 335° Staines Enclosure* Causewayed Enclosure (TQ024726)
 2.4km E 89° Ashford Henge* Henge (TQ054715)
 3.7km S 189° The Nun's Well (Surrey)* Holy Well or Sacred Spring (TQ0247767756)
 3.8km NE 44° St. Anne's Well (Stanwell)* Holy Well or Sacred Spring (TQ056742)
 3.8km S 187° St Ann's Hill* Hillfort (TQ026676)
 3.9km NE 37° Stanwell Cursus* Cursus (TQ053746)
 4.0km NNW 342° Kingsmead Quarry* Ancient Village or Settlement (TQ01707520)
 4.5km SSE 168° Chertsey Museum Museum (TQ040670)
 4.7km NNE 26° Heathrow* Cursus (TQ050757)
 4.8km NNW 340° Kingsmead Quarry Ancient Village or Settlement (TQ01307588)
 5.1km ENE 63° Bedfont Cursus (TQ075738)
 5.6km SE 125° Shepperton Henge* Henge (TQ07686832)
 6.0km WSW 237° Leptis Magna (Virginia Waters)* Ancient Temple (SU980680)
 6.5km NNE 14° Stanwell Cursus* Cursus (TQ044777)
 7.1km SW 217° Barrowhills Round Barrow(s) (SU98866567)
 7.3km SSW 212° Flutters Hill Barrow* Round Barrow(s) (SU99206516)
 7.8km SSW 211° Longcross Barrow* Round Barrow(s) (SU99126466)
 8.3km SSW 207° Chobham Common (1)* Misc. Earthwork (SU994639)
 9.0km SW 219° Albury Bottom Enclosure* Misc. Earthwork (SU97426430)
 9.2km WSW 238° Sunningdale Barrows Round Barrow(s) (SU952664)
 10.7km NW 325° Montem mound Artificial Mound (SU9665880045)
 11.1km SSE 151° St George's Hill* Hillfort (TQ085618)
 11.5km S 174° Jack Temple Healing Centre* Modern Stone Circle etc (TQ045600)
 11.7km S 189° Horsell Common W* Barrow Cemetery (TQ01405980)
 11.7km S 188° Horsell Common E* Round Barrow(s) (TQ01615977)
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The London Stone, Staines by Andy B on Friday, 13 November 2015
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London Stone is the name given to a number of boundary stones which stand beside the rivers Thames and Medway, which formerly marked the limits of jurisdiction of the City of London.

In medieval times before the canalisation of the Thames, Staines-upon-Thames was the highest point at which the high tide was perceivable for a few minutes every semi-diurnal tide (twice a day), adding some millimetres to the water depth compared to more upstream parishes.

This London Stone marked the upstream limit of the City's rights. The official role of a London Corporation stone of 1285 beside Staines Bridge was set out with a grant of associated privileges in a charter of Edward I. Its use by the river is confirmed by the semi-circular indentations (on the right hand face in the photo), to cater to tow ropes of horse-drawn boats rubbing against the stone.

More at Wikipedia
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Re: Negen Stones by Thorgrim on Monday, 21 February 2005
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Staines was originally Stana and first recorded as such in 969 AD It is singular not plural ie Stone not Stones. Saxon of course and similar to Stansted (stone place or homestead) and Stane Street (the stone street) the Roman road near Stansted. Also Stanway near Colchester etc. Ekwall suggests that the Staine of Staines could have referred to the milestone on the Roman road that runs by Staines However, despite Ekwall - the nine stones seems a reasonable alternative origin. The number nine is "nigon" in Anglo-Saxon, but pronounced neeyon almost like "neon". The neon lights of ancient Staines!!
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    Re: Negen Stones by Andy B on Monday, 21 February 2005
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    It is plausible - we know that the Chertsey Abbey monks took an interest in ancient sites - see the reference on our nearby Barrowhills page.
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Re: Negen Stones by Anonymous on Monday, 21 February 2005
While the name of Staines does indeed mean stones we at Spelthorne Museum (colleagues of Christine Lake who wrote Up Pontes) now favour the idea that the stones referred to indicated the gravelled Roman Road that ran through Staines leading to the Roman bridging point rather than the Negen Stones. Names such as "Stane Street" have obvious connections with Roman Roads.
However, we haven't given up on the Negen Stones.....
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    Re: Negen Stones by Andy B on Monday, 21 February 2005
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    Hello, thanks for posting, I'm going to come and look for your roving exhibition later in the month - when are you re-opening?

    Do you know of the other possible stone circle site in Surrey - referenced in an antiquarian source? See our Albury Fishponds page.
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