<< Our Photo Pages >> Skokholm - Not Known (by us) in Wales in Pembrokeshire

Submitted by PAB on Monday, 21 July 2014  Page Views: 3626

Date UncertainSite Name: Skokholm
Country: Wales County: Pembrokeshire Type: Not Known (by us)

Map Ref: SM731045
Latitude: 51.693272N  Longitude: 5.284475W
4Almost Perfect
3Reasonable but with some damage
2Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site
1Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks
0No data.
-1Completely destroyed
3 Ambience:
2Not Good
0No data.
4 Access:
5Can be driven to, probably with disabled access
4Short walk on a footpath
3Requiring a bit more of a walk
2A long walk
1In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find
0No data.
1 Accuracy:
5co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates
4co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map
3co-ordinates scaled from a bad map
2co-ordinates of the nearest village
1co-ordinates of the nearest town
0no data

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Skokholm submitted by PAB : Skokholm, 2014, approaching the stone from the east along the cliff-top path, it stands out very prominently with its supporting stone. (Vote or comment on this photo)
Skokhom Island. On the southern coast near the Lighthouse, this earthbound & supported stone stands out as being virtually impossible to have been in its current configuration without human intervention.

I could find no reference to there being a 'verified' dolmen on Skokholm, and the Warden said that he understood there to have been a fairly recent archaeological survey which had not identified any remaining traces of the ancient uses of the island.

Despite the absence of anything on Coflein etc, I felt that there was more than 'Natural erratic' to this feature, so I am posting it in the hope that others might know more or be able to investigate it. The Old Red Sandstone in this stretch of the cliff is very similar to King's Quoit, Manorbier - also of course a significant earth-fast 'slab' with support....

As the ground is very fragile from the high concentration of bird and rabbit burrows, it wasn't possible to get any 'interior' pictures, but I will ask the Warden to get some to post. It also happens to be rather steep along this stretch of cliff!

I was very tempted to give a description as 'Burial Chamber - Dolmen', but have chosen the safer 'Not Known' option for now, awaiting comments!
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Skokholm submitted by PAB : Skokholm, 2014. Taken from below the slab, looking westward to the Lighthouse. A truly wonderful place to spend a week - or perhaps longer, as the boat often can't get there to pick volunteers up after their stay! (Vote or comment on this photo)

Skokholm submitted by PAB : Skokhom, 2014. Looking along the south coast of the island, with St Anne's Head and Castlemartin in the distance. (Vote or comment on this photo)

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Nearby Images from Geograph Britain and Ireland:
SM7204 : Skokholm from the lighthouse by Hugh Venables
by Hugh Venables
SM7304 : Old rail tracks, Skokholm Island by Bob Jones
by Bob Jones
SM7304 : Cliff and lighthouse by dave challender
by dave challender
SM7204 : Skokholm Lighthouse by Bob Jones
by Bob Jones
SM7204 : Quarry in cliffs on Skokholm island by Mike Graham
by Mike Graham

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Nearby sites listing. In the following links * = Image available
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 5.1km NE 46° Victoria Bay* Hillfort (SM769079)
 5.2km NNE 30° Martin's Haven* Hillfort (SM759089)
 5.3km NNE 31° Renney Slip Hillfort (SM760089)
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 5.4km N 350° North Skomer settlement Ancient Village or Settlement (SM7240009900)
 5.5km N 353° Earthfast natural slab in north east Skomer* Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (SM72660998)
 6.6km E 93° Little Castle Point Hillfort (SM797038)
 6.9km ENE 77° Great Castle Head Hillfort (SM799057)
 8.6km NE 40° Tower Point* Promontory Fort / Cliff Castle (SM790108)
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 10.2km ENE 70° Mabesgate Longstone* Standing Stone (Menhir) (SM828076)
 11.8km E 101° Whitedole Bay Hillfort (SM846018)
 12.3km ENE 69° Sandy Haven's Farm* Standing Stone (Menhir) (SM848084)
 12.4km ENE 69° Longstone Field Standing Stone (Menhir) (SM84870842)
 12.4km ENE 69° Longstone Field Circle 1 Timber Circle (SM849084)
 12.4km ENE 69° Longstone Field Circle 2 Timber Circle (SM849084)
 13.6km ESE 102° Pickard Head Hillfort (SM863011)
 14.0km WNW 287° Grassholm Island* Ancient Village or Settlement (SM5985909317)
 15.9km E 101° The Devil's Quoit* Burial Chamber or Dolmen (SM88650084)
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