<< Our Photo Pages >> Ambresbury Banks - Hillfort in England in Essex

Submitted by Thorgrim on Monday, 01 September 2003  Page Views: 22057

Iron Age and Later PrehistorySite Name: Ambresbury Banks
Country: England
NOTE: This site is 0.119 km away from the location you searched for.

County: Essex Type: Hillfort
Nearest Town: Epping  Nearest Village: Copthall Green
Map Ref: TL438004  Landranger Map Number: 167
Latitude: 51.683954N  Longitude: 0.078696E
4Almost Perfect
3Reasonable but with some damage
2Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site
1Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks
0No data.
-1Completely destroyed
3 Ambience:
2Not Good
0No data.
2 Access:
5Can be driven to, probably with disabled access
4Short walk on a footpath
3Requiring a bit more of a walk
2A long walk
1In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find
0No data.
4 Accuracy:
5co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates
4co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map
3co-ordinates scaled from a bad map
2co-ordinates of the nearest village
1co-ordinates of the nearest town
0no data

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Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by Thorgrim : Iron Age plateau fort in Epping Forest at TL 438004. Easily accessible from the Epping Road opposite the lane to Upshire. Situated on a ridge overlooking the Lea Valley, it has its own stream which rises inside the fort of 4.5 hectares. Impressive banks and ditch remain. Loughton Camp is similar and also in Epping Forest. (Vote or comment on this photo)
Hillfort in Essex

Iron Age plateau fort in Epping Forest at TL 438004. Easily accessible from the Epping Road opposite the lane to Upshire. Situated on a ridge overlooking the Lea Valley, it has its own stream which rises inside the fort of 4.5 hectares. Impressive banks and ditch remain. Loughton Camp is similar and also in Epping Forest. Possibly re-used by Ambrosius Aurelianus (the real King Arthur) who fortified many sites to combat the encroaching Saxons. Ambresbury means Ambrosius' fort as does Amesbury near Stonehenge.
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Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by Thorgrim : The original entrance had a double wooden gate supported on foundations of puddingstone. One of a chain of Iron Age hillforts to defend the lands of the Trinovantes (Essex) from that of the Catuvellauni (Herts). In 7AD, Cunobelin (Shakespeare's Cymbeline) over ran the Trinovantes and moved his capital from what is now St Albans to Colchester (Colchester is the castle of Old King Cole!). When t... (Vote or comment on this photo)

Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by Andy B : Eastern banks (Vote or comment on this photo)

Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by Andy B (Vote or comment on this photo)

Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by Andy B (Vote or comment on this photo)

Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by Andy B

Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by Andy B

Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by Andy B : Northern banks

Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by Andy B : Northern entrance

Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by Andy B : Southern banks

Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by Andy B

Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by Andy B : Information Board

Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by DaveGordon : Ambresbury Banks situated in Epping Forest, Essex.

Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by Thorgrim : The ditch has long silted up, but is still a formidable obstacle and hold water in winter. Originally 30ft wide and 10ft deep.

Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by Thorgrim : The banks still rise to an impressive height and enclose an area of 12 acres complete with its own spring.

Ambresbury Banks
Ambresbury Banks submitted by Thorgrim : Iron Age cattle have been re-introduced to Epping Forest near Ambresbury Banks hillfort in a control zone on Sunshine Plain. (1 comment)

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Nearby sites listing. In the following links * = Image available
 1.8km NW 312° Upshire Stone* Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (TL424016)
 3.0km NNE 21° Epping Bury puddingstone* Marker Stone (TL44790322)
 3.4km WSW 237° High Beach* Artificial Mound (TQ410985)
 3.5km SW 216° Loughton Camp* Hillfort (TQ418975)
 3.8km NNW 340° Parvills Puddingstone* Marker Stone (TL424039)
 5.1km NW 314° Galley Hill Puddingstone Marker Stone (TL400038)
 5.8km WNW 299° Holyfield Puddingstone* Marker Stone (TL38670303)
 5.9km WNW 297° Monkham Puddingstone Marker Stone (TL384029)
 6.2km NNE 31° Thornwood Puddingstone Marker Stone (TL468058)
 7.5km NE 38° Canes Puddingstone Marker Stone (TL483064)
 7.8km SW 227° Pole Hill* Modern Stone Circle etc (TQ383949)
 8.7km N 355° Harlow Puddingstone* Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (TL428090)
 9.5km ESE 117° Unhenged* Modern Stone Circle etc (TQ5240696410)
 9.5km E 89° Stanford Rivers Stone* Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (TL533008)
 9.7km WNW 290° Flamstead Puddingstone Marker Stone (TL346035)
 10.3km ENE 77° St Andrew’s Church* Museum (TL538030)
 10.5km SSW 207° Gipsy Smith* Modern Stone Circle etc (TQ392909)
 10.9km NE 45° Magdalen Laver Puddingstone* Marker Stone (TL513083)
 11.3km SSE 165° St Chad's Well (Chadwell Heath)* Holy Well or Sacred Spring (TQ4706389580)
 11.4km NNE 22° Matching Cursus Cursus (TL47791113)
 11.5km NNE 21° Harlow Cursus Cursus (TL477112)
 11.5km NNE 22° Harlow Barrow* Round Barrow(s) (TL478112)
 12.1km NE 49° High Laver Puddingstone* Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (TL527087)
 12.6km WSW 249° Bush Hill Hillfort (TQ321956)
 13.8km NNW 333° Emma's Well* Holy Well or Sacred Spring (TL372125)
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Re: Ambresbury Banks by coldrum on Saturday, 10 April 2010
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Re: Ambresbury Banks by Gildas on Sunday, 07 January 2007
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As a newcomer to the Megalithic Portal, I hesitate to criticise Thorgrim's contributions (though Andy tells me Thorgrim is no longer around), but I think he has repeated a couple of common fallacies here :
1. Ambrosius Aurelianus, whose resistance to the English appears to have begun around 460, may have been a contemporary of Arthur (whoever HE was), but probably predated him by a generation. Badon is dated around 495, when Ambrosius would have been an old man, and if he died in around 520, the date for Arthur's death given in the Cambrian annals, he would have been very old indeed.
2. Old King Cole was probably Coel Hen, who ruled a northern kingdom around the turn of the 5th century - as John Morris says, "Medieval fantasy turned him into Old King Cole, and on the strength of the name transferred him to Colchester".
"Colchester" comes from the Saxon "Colne caester" (the fortress of Colonia).

See "A history of the British Isles from 350 to 650" - John Morris - ISBN 1 85799 286 5 and also the Wikipedia entry under "Colchester"
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Re: Ambresbury Banks by Andy B on Thursday, 28 October 2004
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As seen on the London segment of Alan Titchmarsh's British Isles programme on Wednesday. Can you identify other locations they visited?
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    Re: Ambresbury Banks by Thorgrim on Thursday, 28 October 2004
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    Yes - pretty much - I have a fair sized photo collection of Epping Forest. Never know when one comes in handy as here.
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