<< Text Pages >> Tyttenhanger Puddingstones - Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature in England in Hertfordshire

Submitted by Thorgrim on Thursday, 20 January 2005  Page Views: 7160

Natural PlacesSite Name: Tyttenhanger Puddingstones
Country: England
NOTE: This site is 2.111 km away from the location you searched for.

County: Hertfordshire Type: Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature
Nearest Town: St Albans  Nearest Village: Tyttenhanger
Map Ref: TL189060
Latitude: 51.740101N  Longitude: 0.279386W
4Almost Perfect
3Reasonable but with some damage
2Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site
1Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks
0No data.
-1Completely destroyed
no data Ambience:
2Not Good
0No data.
3 Access:
5Can be driven to, probably with disabled access
4Short walk on a footpath
3Requiring a bit more of a walk
2A long walk
1In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find
0No data.
5 Accuracy:
5co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates
4co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map
3co-ordinates scaled from a bad map
2co-ordinates of the nearest village
1co-ordinates of the nearest town
0no data

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willowman1 visited on 22nd Sep 2017 - their rating: Cond: -1 Amb: 3 Access: 5

Puddingstone marker in Hertfordshire, at the Barley Mow and elsewhere in Tyttenhanger. Sites No. 54 to 60 on the Puddingstone Trail.
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Nearby Images from Geograph Britain and Ireland:
TL1805 : The entrance to Barley Mow Stables by David Howard
by David Howard
TL1805 : The Barley Mow, Tyttenhanger by David Howard
by David Howard
TL1805 : Barley Mow Lane by Mr Ignavy
by Mr Ignavy
TL1805 : The Barley Mow by Mr Ignavy
by Mr Ignavy
TL1805 : Evidence of a former pub by Mr Ignavy
by Mr Ignavy

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Nearby sites listing. In the following links * = Image available
 4.3km W 281° Holy Well (St. Albans)* Holy Well or Sacred Spring (TL14640670)
 4.7km NW 316° Beech Bottom Dyke* Ancient Village or Settlement (TL155093)
 5.2km WNW 288° St Albans Puddingstones* Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (TL139075)
 5.7km WNW 286° Verulamium Puddingstone Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (TL134074)
 6.3km NE 55° Mill Green Museum Museum (TL240097)
 7.0km WNW 291° Devil's Ditch (Hertfordshire) Ancient Village or Settlement (TL123084)
 7.3km N 359° Devil's Dyke (Hertfordshire)* Ancient Village or Settlement (TL186133)
 7.3km W 265° Potterscrouch Puddingstones Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (TL116052)
 7.4km E 86° Wildhill Puddingstone Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (TL263067)
 7.7km SE 130° Potters Bar Museum Museum (TL2494101262)
 8.7km ESE 110° Griffin's Hole* Holy Well or Sacred Spring (TL2720403249)
 10.3km W 263° Bedmond Puddingstone Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (TL087045)
 10.8km WNW 301° The Aubreys* Hillfort (TL095113)
 11.0km NNE 26° Welwyn Roman Baths* Ancient Village or Settlement (TL23451602)
 11.0km NNE 24° Welwyn Puddingstone* Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (TL231162)
 12.6km SSW 195° Stanmore common earthwork Misc. Earthwork (TQ15869381)
 13.0km SW 228° Cassiobury Park barrow* Round Barrow(s) (TQ094971)
 13.0km NNE 34° Perry's Grove Boundary Ditch* Misc. Earthwork (TL25851700)
 13.6km W 265° Kings Langley Cursus Cursus (TL0535804425)
 14.8km SSW 203° Grim's Ditch (Greater London) Ancient Village or Settlement (TQ134923)
 15.0km WSW 253° Chipperfield Common Round Barrows* Round Barrow(s) (TL04620126)
 15.6km SSW 195° Weald Stone* Standing Stone (Menhir) (TQ1508890825)
 15.6km WSW 258° Towerhill (Herts) Puddingstone* Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (TL0363802375)
 15.9km E 100° Flamstead Puddingstone Marker Stone (TL346035)
 16.8km SE 130° Bush Hill Hillfort (TQ321956)
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Re: Tyttenhanger Puddingstones by willowman1 on Tuesday, 26 September 2017
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The text at the top of the page suggests there were 7 puddingstones in Tyttenhanger ("Sites No. 54 to 60"), but in fact there were only 3 (as per 'The Lost Trackway' page 16).

These were:
At the former Barley Mow pub - I can confirm the stone is definitely gone from there.

At the gate to Hillend Farm - this stone is also gone. The farm has only ever had the one entrance, and this has been radically altered by the creation of a lay-by for a bus stop.

On the west side of Highfield Lane, level with the beginning of Winchfield Wood. Known locally as 'The Block', this had already disappeared by 1920.

Dr. Rudge said that these 3 stones "stood about 200 yards from each other, probably representing the average spacing along this length of the track". Unfortunately, his measurements were about as good as his grid references and his ability to tell puddingstone from sarsen, as it's 623 yards from the Barley Mow to the farm gate, and 656 yards from there to the site of 'The Block'.
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Re: Tyttenhanger Puddingstones by tombraider on Tuesday, 03 January 2017
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Dear Willowman,
much obliged! So there it is behind the garden fence, "It's behind you!".
a nice change to find it actually exists. When there is no photograph supplied for a site, it usually turns out that the object no longer exists - especially if they're puddingstones!
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    Re: Tyttenhanger Puddingstones by Anonymous on Wednesday, 04 January 2017
    tombraider, sorry but I think I've misled you! Whatever that object is behind the fence, it's not likely to be the missing puddingstone after all! Now that Street View can show earlier images, it's obvious that it wasn't actually there before 2012. Ah well.
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      Re: Tyttenhanger Puddingstones by Anonymous on Thursday, 20 July 2017
      returning to the old pub, thinking I had been looking the wrong way (or even parked on it!), and poking around, the proprietor came out and told me there had never been a stone there ever. So, yet another that never existed or vanished long ago.
      Tracking puddingstones is a challenging hobby! (from Tombraider)
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Re: Tyttenhanger Puddingstones by tombraider on Sunday, 12 July 2015
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utterly failed to find this, presume it's hidden in a dense roadside hedge. most frustrating.
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    Re: Tyttenhanger Puddingstones by willowman1 on Sunday, 06 March 2016
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    tombraider, if you have a chance to go near the Barley Mow at Tyttenhanger again, take a look just behind the green fence that's straight ahead in this Street View shot: https://goo.gl/maps/vuEr7Qyu73B2 It's suspiciously sharp-edged, but it might just be the puddingstone, you never know.
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