<< Our Photo Pages >> Crossferry east - Standing Stone (Menhir) in Ireland (Republic of) in Co. Cork

Submitted by frogcottage42 on Tuesday, 26 October 2010  Page Views: 4207

Neolithic and Bronze AgeSite Name: Crossferry east Alternative Name: Esk
Country: Ireland (Republic of) County: Co. Cork Type: Standing Stone (Menhir)
Nearest Town: Glengarrif
Map Ref: V9257459890
Latitude: 51.781562N  Longitude: 9.557347W
4Almost Perfect
3Reasonable but with some damage
2Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site
1Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks
0No data.
-1Completely destroyed
5 Ambience:
2Not Good
0No data.
4 Access:
5Can be driven to, probably with disabled access
4Short walk on a footpath
3Requiring a bit more of a walk
2A long walk
1In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find
0No data.
1 Accuracy:
5co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates
4co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map
3co-ordinates scaled from a bad map
2co-ordinates of the nearest village
1co-ordinates of the nearest town
0no data

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frogcottage42 visited on 25th May 2010 - their rating: Cond: 4 Amb: 4 Access: 2 Good menhir and good marker for tomb at Canrooska/Barraboy mountain

Crossferry east
Crossferry east submitted by frogcottage42 : Commanding a great view of Glengarrif harbour and beyond to Bantry. (Vote or comment on this photo)
This is a substantial monolith.
Approx. 2.7m high by 1m x 1.2m it is a prominent feature on the skyline but is not visible from the South where the land is higher.

Only reachable by trekking 400m across rough pasture but worth a look on route to the wedge tombs at Canrooska/ Barraboy mountain.
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Crossferry east
Crossferry east submitted by GaelicLaird : The view south east. Photo taken January 2022. (Vote or comment on this photo)

Crossferry east
Crossferry east submitted by frogcottage42 : From the NE the mound that makes this stone invisible from the South is clear. (Vote or comment on this photo)

Crossferry east
Crossferry east submitted by GaelicLaird : Looking towards the southern slopes of Esk mountain. Photo taken January 2022. (Vote or comment on this photo)

Crossferry east
Crossferry east submitted by GaelicLaird : Looking north to Esk mountain. Photo taken January 2022. (Vote or comment on this photo)

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Nearby Images from Geograph Britain and Ireland:
V9261 : Mountainside and Valley at Molly's by Pam Brophy
by Pam Brophy
V9158 : Forest north west of Glengarriff, Bear peninsula by Peter Craine
by Peter Craine
V9158 : View from Kenmare Road on the nearby forest by Klaus Liphard
by Klaus Liphard
V9158 : Home-made road sign by Eileen Henderson
by Eileen Henderson
V9158 : Overlooking Bantry Bay from Skehil by Trevor Rickard
by Trevor Rickard

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Nearby sites listing. In the following links * = Image available
 971m ENE 63° Canrooska standing stone* Standing Stone (Menhir)
 1.0km ENE 73° Barraboy mountain* Wedge Tomb (V9357160171)
 1.2km WNW 292° Tooreen bronze age copper mine* Ancient Mine, Quarry or other Industry
 1.7km SSE 147° Ceann Rúscach standing stone* Standing Stone (Menhir)
 1.9km SSE 149° Canrooska Stone Circle* Stone Circle
 1.9km SSE 149° Canrooska Stone Row* Stone Row / Alignment
 2.0km SSE 148° Currakeal boulder burial* Burial Chamber or Dolmen
 2.0km SSE 149° Currakeal Stone Row* Stone Row / Alignment
 2.3km SSE 158° Kilcaskan rock art* Rock Art
 2.4km SSE 158° Reenmeen West standing stone and radial stone cairn* Standing Stone (Menhir)
 2.4km NE 48° Esk East standing stone* Standing Stone (Menhir)
 2.7km NE 53° An Eisc Thoir wedge tomb* Wedge Tomb
 3.1km E 96° Cuanán standing stone* Standing Stone (Menhir)
 3.2km E 93° Coonane wedge tomb* Wedge Tomb
 5.8km NE 42° Feaghna* Rock Art (V966641)
 5.9km E 96° Cooleenlemane rock scribing* Cave or Rock Shelter
 5.9km N 10° Derrynacoulagh* Rock Art (V9371865698)
 6.2km N 2° Derrynacaheragh Wedge Tomb (V9288166088)
 6.3km ENE 58° Coorleagh ring fort* Stone Fort or Dun
 6.4km NNE 30° Dromagorteen* Stone Circle (V9586165343)
 6.9km NW 313° Derryvorahig* Stone Row / Alignment (V8763564745)
 6.9km NW 311° Derrysallagh* Stone Row / Alignment (V874645)
 7.2km ESE 117° Mill Little* Stone Circle (V989565)
 7.2km ESE 117° Mill Little Stone Row / Alignment (V98985653)
 7.3km NW 321° Dromroe* Stone Circle (V8810565708)
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"Crossferry east" | Login/Create an Account | 1 comment
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Re: Crossferry east by Anonymous on Thursday, 07 April 2022
A solitary standing stone officially recorded as monument CO090-002----

In mountainous bogland with view over Bantry Bay to SSE. Lozenge-shaped stone aligned NNE-SSW (H 2.3m; 1.15m x 0.85m).

The above description is derived from the published ''Archaeological Inventory of County Cork. Volume 1: West Cork''

Note to Admin: the townland name is CROSSTERRY EAST, and not Crossferry. Might be worth an update.
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