<< Text Pages >> Clogher - Stone Row / Alignment in Ireland (Republic of) in Co. Kerry

Submitted by Anonymous on Tuesday, 01 October 2002  Page Views: 4992

Neolithic and Bronze AgeSite Name: Clogher
Country: Ireland (Republic of)
NOTE: This site is 1.045 km away from the location you searched for.

County: Co. Kerry Type: Stone Row / Alignment

Map Ref: Q314033
Discovery Map Number: D70
Latitude: 52.156262N  Longitude: 10.464349W
4Almost Perfect
3Reasonable but with some damage
2Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site
1Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks
0No data.
-1Completely destroyed
2 Ambience:
2Not Good
0No data.
no data Access:
5Can be driven to, probably with disabled access
4Short walk on a footpath
3Requiring a bit more of a walk
2A long walk
1In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find
0No data.
no data Accuracy:
5co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates
4co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map
3co-ordinates scaled from a bad map
2co-ordinates of the nearest village
1co-ordinates of the nearest town
0no data

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A Row of Three Stones (Alignment) in Co. Kerry, two of which have fallen.

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Clogherane submitted by frogcottage42 : From the south west, the short stone to the left may be related to this monument. (Vote or comment on this photo)

Clogherane submitted by frogcottage42 : This view uses the horizon to hide the modern bungalow which is barely 30m behind these striking stones. The taller one is 2.6m high and from this angle looking west obscures the Shronebirrane valley which contains a circle and numerous prehistoric sites. (1 comment - Vote or comment on this photo)

Clogherna enclosure and field walls
Clogherna enclosure and field walls submitted by JAGamble : A view from the hill to the East above the enclosure and the pair of field walls. (1 comment - Vote or comment on this photo)

Clogherane submitted by frogcottage42 : This stone lies about 100m to the South of the stone alignment (Vote or comment on this photo)

Clogherna enclosure and field walls
Clogherna enclosure and field walls submitted by JAGamble : The small D-shaped enclosure at the base of the rocky outcrop. (Vote or comment on this photo)

Clogherna ringfort and souterrain
Clogherna ringfort and souterrain submitted by JAGamble : Another view of the lintels.

Clogherna ringfort and souterrain
Clogherna ringfort and souterrain submitted by JAGamble : The three souterrain lintels can be seen here with a possible displaced fourth next to them. The souterrain runs N-S through the North section of the ringfort's wall.

Clogherna ringfort and souterrain
Clogherna ringfort and souterrain submitted by JAGamble : The ringfort and surrounding landscape are pictured here looking Eastward. The internal dividing walls can be seen running straight ahead and to the right.

Clogherny Meenerrigal
Clogherny Meenerrigal submitted by Ptarmigan : Clogherny Stone Circle

Clogherny Meenerrigal
Clogherny Meenerrigal submitted by Ptarmigan : Clogherny Wedge Tomb

Clogherny Meenerrigal
Clogherny Meenerrigal submitted by LizH : The tallest stone at the southern end of the circle. (4 comments)

Clogherny Meenerrigal
Clogherny Meenerrigal submitted by LizH : The wedge tomb in the centre of the circle

Clogherny Meenerrigal
Clogherny Meenerrigal submitted by LizH : The whole site as seen from a distance

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Nearby sites listing. In the following links * = Image available
 2.6km E 79° Teeravane Stone Circle (Q340037)
 3.8km E 82° Altóir na Gréine* Wedge Tomb
 4.6km ENE 75° Ballineanig-Castlequarter Standing Stones (Q359043)
 5.1km S 187° An Dún Mór Ogham stone* Early Christian Sculptured Stone
 5.4km ENE 74° Reask* Early Christian Sculptured Stone (Q367046)
 5.8km ENE 64° Baile an Reannaigh ogham stone* Ancient Village or Settlement
 5.9km SSE 164° Caher Conor* Stone Fort or Dun (V328976)
 6.9km SE 146° Fahan Standing Stones (V351975)
 7.0km ESE 107° Giant's Table* Wedge Tomb (Q3801)
 7.0km SSE 147° Dunbeg* Stone Fort or Dun (V3502297293)
 7.3km E 86° Leataoibh Meánach standing stone* Standing Stone (Menhir)
 7.4km E 101° Kilcolman Cross-Inscribed Ogham Stone* Early Christian Sculptured Stone (Q386017)
 7.9km ENE 76° Gallarus Oratory* Ancient Temple (Q392049)
 8.9km ENE 73° Cathair Deargáin cashel* Stone Fort or Dun
 9.3km ENE 70° Cill Maoilchéadair sundial* Early Christian Sculptured Stone
 9.3km ENE 70° Kilmalkedar Early Christian Sculptured Stone* Early Christian Sculptured Stone (Q40230622)
 9.3km ENE 70° Kilmalkedar Ogham Stone* Standing Stone (Menhir) (Q403062)
 10.5km ENE 67° Corr Aille Spiral* Rock Art
 10.9km E 89° Kilfountain Cross Slab* Early Christian Sculptured Stone (Q423032)
 11.1km E 87° Kilfountan Standing Stone* Standing Stone (Menhir) (Q425035)
 11.2km E 83° Knockavrogeen E Standing Stones (Q42580434)
 11.3km ESE 107° Colaiste Ide Ogham Stones* Museum (V4211599651)
 11.7km E 99° Milltown S Standing Stones (Q429010)
 11.7km E 99° Milltown N* Standing Stones (Q42960113)
 11.7km E 99° Gallán na Cille Brice standing stone* Standing Stone (Menhir)
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