<< Our Photo Pages >> St Leonard (Rochdale) - Ancient Cross in England in Greater Manchester
Submitted by TimPrevett on Sunday, 27 May 2007 Page Views: 9416
Early Medieval (Dark Age)Site Name: St Leonard (Rochdale)Country: England
NOTE: This site is 4.563 km away from the location you searched for.
County: Greater Manchester Type: Ancient Cross
Nearest Town: Rochdale Nearest Village: Middleton
Map Ref: SD872063
Latitude: 53.553170N Longitude: 2.194675W
5 | Perfect |
4 | Almost Perfect |
3 | Reasonable but with some damage |
2 | Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site |
1 | Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks |
0 | No data. |
-1 | Completely destroyed |
5 | Superb |
4 | Good |
3 | Ordinary |
2 | Not Good |
1 | Awful |
0 | No data. |
5 | Can be driven to, probably with disabled access |
4 | Short walk on a footpath |
3 | Requiring a bit more of a walk |
2 | A long walk |
1 | In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find |
0 | No data. |
5 | co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates |
4 | co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map |
3 | co-ordinates scaled from a bad map |
2 | co-ordinates of the nearest village |
1 | co-ordinates of the nearest town |
0 | no data |
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shepstones visited on 14th Sep 2014 - their rating: Cond: 3 Amb: 4 Access: 5 Possible Ancient Anglo Saxon cross in a recess inside the church. Shaft of the cross is in good condition and was re-discovered during restoration work in 1910.
Etched cross to be found in the same place, possibly a later carving.
Anglo Saxon material used in the construction of the current church including an arch, random stones and what is though to be the Anglo Saxon alter with three of the five crosses (symbolizing the five wounds of Jesus) stored in the side alter.

Anglo Saxon cross shaft built into St Leonard's, Rochdale.
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