<< Our Photo Pages >> Kendal Museum - Museum in England in Cumbria

Submitted by vicky on Saturday, 30 November 2002  Page Views: 5349

MuseumsSite Name: Kendal Museum
Country: England
NOTE: This site is 4.861 km away from the location you searched for.

County: Cumbria Type: Museum
Nearest Town: Kendal
Map Ref: SD519931  Landranger Map Number: 97
Latitude: 54.331186N  Longitude: 2.741168W
4Almost Perfect
3Reasonable but with some damage
2Ruined but still recognisable as an ancient site
1Pretty much destroyed, possibly visible as crop marks
0No data.
-1Completely destroyed
no data Ambience:
2Not Good
0No data.
no data Access:
5Can be driven to, probably with disabled access
4Short walk on a footpath
3Requiring a bit more of a walk
2A long walk
1In the middle of nowhere, a nightmare to find
0No data.
no data Accuracy:
5co-ordinates taken by GPS or official recorded co-ordinates
4co-ordinates scaled from a detailed map
3co-ordinates scaled from a bad map
2co-ordinates of the nearest village
1co-ordinates of the nearest town
0no data
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Kendal Museum
Kendal Museum submitted by coin : Mummified Egyptian child's hand, photo from my Instagram (Vote or comment on this photo)
Museum in Cumbria

Large collection including Mesolithic tools and Neolithic axe heads and stone tools from Great Langdale

Address: Station Road, LA9 6BT
Phone: 01539 721374
Opening Hours: Open Monday - Saturday (closed Sundays), 10.30am - 5.00pm (Closing 4.00pm Feb, Mar, Nov, Dec)
Admission: Charge
Website: Kendal Museum
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Nearby Images from Geograph Britain and Ireland:
SD5193 : County Hotel by Peter McDermott
by Peter McDermott
SD5193 : The County Hotel, Kendal by JThomas
by JThomas
SD5193 : County Hotel, Kendal by Roger Cornfoot
by Roger Cornfoot
SD5193 : Kendal - Wildman Street by Dave Bevis
by Dave Bevis
SD5193 : County Hotel, Kendal by Chris Allen
by Chris Allen

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Nearby sites listing. In the following links * = Image available
 982m SSW 192° The Kendal Cross* Ancient Cross (SD5168692141)
 1.3km SSW 202° Anchorite Well (Kendal)* Holy Well or Sacred Spring (SD5140691932)
 4.6km SSE 164° Helm Hill* Hillfort (SD531887)
 5.9km NNW 344° Potter Fell* Ring Cairn (SD503988)
 6.7km SSW 200° Sizergh Fell Round Cairn 2* Round Cairn (SD4952486868)
 6.7km SSW 200° Sizergh Settlement* Ancient Village or Settlement (SD49528686)
 6.7km SSW 201° Sizergh Fell Round Cairn 1* Round Cairn (SD4938886886)
 6.8km SSW 203° Sizergh Fell Stone Circle* Stone Circle (SD492869)
 7.0km S 190° Leven's Park ringcairn* Ring Cairn (SD506862)
 7.3km S 190° Levens Park ring cairn 2* Ring Cairn (SD5053385945)
 9.9km SSW 193° St Mary's Well (Heversham)* Holy Well or Sacred Spring (SD4958383452)
 10.0km SSW 193° St Peter's Church (Heversham)* Ancient Cross (SD4960083390)
 10.0km SSW 194° Heversham Ancient Wall Misc. Earthwork (SD494834)
 11.1km WNW 303° Bannerrigg Possible Standing Stone* Standing Stone (Menhir) (SD426992)
 11.3km NW 313° Hughill* Ancient Village or Settlement (NY4373900980)
 12.8km SSW 194° Haverbrack Fell Misc. Earthwork (SD486807)
 13.2km S 169° Holme Park Fell 1* Rock Outcrop (SD5419280141)
 13.2km S 190° Bela Stone Row* Stone Row / Alignment (SD495801)
 13.4km SSE 169° Holme Park Fell 2* Rock Outcrop (SD5439879957)
 13.5km SSW 196° Haverbrack Cairn Cairn (SD480802)
 13.5km SSW 195° The Dog Hole Cave or Rock Shelter (SD482801)
 13.5km SSW 196° Dog Hole possible dolmen/propped stone* Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (SD481801)
 13.8km E 94° Old Market Cross (Sedbergh) Ancient Cross (SD657921)
 14.0km S 188° The Rent Stone* Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (SD498792)
 14.4km SSW 192° The Fairy Steps* Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature (SD488790)
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"Kendal Museum" | Login/Create an Account | 1 comment
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Kendal Museum - really good by Blingo_von_Trumpenstein on Tuesday, 01 February 2011
(User Info | Send a Message)
Yet another great English museum.
Superb collection of flaked Langdale Group VI stone axes (but strangely only 1 polished example) with very useful descriptions.
A couple of gigantic Bronze Age axe hammers (and I do mean gigantic).
Many bronze artifacts.
A pair of specs from 1450ish !!
Excellent for comparison of types. Very good local history exhibits.
Some interesting Brigantes information and artifacts. I consider myself part of the Brigantes Nation so this was very moving.
2 great stone lithophones that you can play to your hearts content. Being a semi-pro percussionist I was on the bigger one for quite a while and now intend to construct one.
Very good natural history display including 2 golden eagles and an insane extinct moose skulll and antlers - you have to see it to believe it! (Look up when upstairs!)
Wonderful mineral displays.
No photos allowed - boo.
Totally free - just have to sign in.

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