The Megalith Map

Megalithic and Prehistoric sites on map square D

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Altagore Stone Fort or Dun in Co. Antrim at D2494734883
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3

Antynanum Court Tomb in Co. Antrim at D25561094

Ballycleagh Stone Row / Alignment in Co. Antrim at D251333
Condition: 3

Ballycraigy Stone Circle in Co. Antrim at D384039
Condition: 2

Ballygilbert Standing Stone (Menhir) in Co. Antrim at D334104
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 3

Ballylumford Dolmen Burial Chamber or Dolmen in Co. Antrim at D4305201603
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 5

Ballymacaldrack Court Tomb in Co. Antrim at D02161830
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4

Ballymarlagh Court Tomb in Co. Antrim at D14040175

Ballynacloghy Portal tomb Portal Tomb in Co. Galway at D52348198
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4

Ballyvennaght Court Tomb Court Tomb in Co. Antrim at D1844035020
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3

Ballyvennaght Portal Tomb Portal Tomb in Co. Antrim at D1998036750
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3

Black Lough Standing Stone 1 Standing Stone (Menhir) in Co. Antrim at D0842323282
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4

Black Lough Standing Stone 2 Standing Stone (Menhir) in Co. Antrim at D0809823469
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4

Black Lough Standing Stone 3 Standing Stone (Menhir) in Co. Antrim at D0803123693
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4

Carnanmore Passage Grave in Co. Antrim at D218388
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 1

Cloughananca 2 Portal Tomb in Co. Antrim at D2074037330
Condition: 2

Culfeightrin Stones Standing Stones in Co. Antrim at D1477040765
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 5

Cushleake Mountain Stone Circle in Co. Antrim at D223345
Condition: 2

Duncarbit Standing Stones Standing Stones in Co. Antrim at D1473434814
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4

Dunteige Wedge Tomb in Co. Antrim at D32350798
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3

Galboly Upper Passage Grave in Co. Antrim at D2900724454
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 2

Larne Museum and Arts Centre Museum in Co. Antrim at D401027
Condition: 5 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 5

Linford Barrows Artificial Mound in Co. Antrim at D33230723
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4

Lisnamanny Standing Stone Standing Stone (Menhir) in Co. Antrim at D1305015860
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4

Lisnamanny Stone Circle Stone Circle in Co. Antrim at D130150

McQuillan's Grave Chambered Tomb in Co. Antrim at D1339032140
Condition: 2 , Access: 2

The Gloonan Stone (Craigagh) Natural Stone / Erratic / Other Natural Feature in Co. Antrim at D23363218
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 5

Ticloy Portal Tomb in Co. Antrim at D232127
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4

Tievebulliagh Ancient Mine, Quarry or other Industry in Co. Antrim at D193268
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 1

Tully N Standing Stones in Co. Antrim at D082252
Condition: 3

Two Standing Stones in Lisnamanny Standing Stones in Co. Antrim at D1345015470
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4

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With thanks to Alastair McIvor for development of the original Megalith Map.

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