The Megalith Map
Megalithic and Prehistoric sites on map square HY
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Aikerness Class I Pictish Symbol Stone in Orkney at HY38182685
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Appiehouse Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY32621620
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3
Augmund Howe Cairn in Orkney at HY67643753
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Auskerry 11 Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY67631630
Condition: 1 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 1
Auskerry 4 Standing Stones in Orkney at HY6724716413
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 1
Auskerry 5 Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY6708916283
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 1
Auskerry 7 Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY67691616
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 1
Barnhouse Settlement Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY30761270
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 4
Barnhouse Stone Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY31271217
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4
Benziaroth Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY36781488
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4
Berst Ness Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY441418
Berstane Broch Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY475100
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 1 , Access: 2
Bigland Long (Rousay) Cairn in Orkney at HY43533214
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Bigland Round Cairn in Orkney at HY438325
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Birsay Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY239285
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 3
Black Knowe of Blubbersdale Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY36951988
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Blackhammer Chambered Tomb in Orkney at HY41422761
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Blomuir Chambered Tomb Chambered Tomb in Orkney at HY473033
Condition: 2
Bookan Chambered Tomb in Orkney at HY286141
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 1 , Access: 4
Bookan Cairns Cairn in Orkney at HY289139
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4
Bookan Stones Standing Stones in Orkney at HY28921406
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 5
Braebister Promontory Fort / Cliff Castle in Orkney at HY21300522
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 3
Braehowar Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY620374
Condition: 1
Braes of Ha’Breck, Wyre. Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY445262
Braeside Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY56333757
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Breck Farm Standing Stones in Orkney at HY520060
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4
Bretta Ness Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY39723324
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 3
Broch of Borwick Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY2241416777
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 3
Broch of Breckness Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY225093
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 2
Broch of Lingro Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY435088
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Broch of Oxtro Class I Pictish Symbol Stone in Orkney at HY255275
Broch of Redland Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY37801715
Condition: 2
Broch of Steiro Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY50191635
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Broch of Wasso Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY70923794
Condition: 2
Brockan Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY231096
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Brodgar Farm Chambered Tomb Chambered Tomb in Orkney at HY302129
Brodgar Farm Standing Stones Standing Stones in Orkney at HY303128
Condition: 5 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Brough of Bigging Hillfort in Orkney at HY219157
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 1
Brough of Deerness Promontory Fort / Cliff Castle in Orkney at HY59550873
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 1
Brymer Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY503060
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 1
Burgar Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY352277
Condition: 3
Burn of Deepdale Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY452057
Condition: 1 , Ambience: 1 , Access: 1
Burn of Langskaill Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY507059
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Burness Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY38821557
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Burrian (Corrigall) Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY32351937
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Burrian (Russland) Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY29641835
Condition: 2
Burrian Broch Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY76275138
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 3
Burroughston 2 Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY270151
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 5
Burroughston Broch Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY540210
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Calf of Eday (Long) Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY57863861
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Calf of Eday Southeast Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY57923852
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Calf of Eday, North West Round Cairn in Orkney at HY57883858
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Campston (Grimeston) Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY310142
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Campston (Toab) Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY528041
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 4
Campston Cairn Cairn in Orkney at HY537042
Caperhouse Standing Stones in Orkney at HY318171
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 5
Carrick House Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY56363880
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 2
Castle Bloody Souterrain (Fogou, Earth House) in Orkney at HY53581644
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Castle Howe (Orkney) Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY514003
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 1
Castle of Hangie Bay Stone Fort or Dun in Orkney at HY54461022
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 1
Comely Cairn in Orkney at HY54040403
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 2
Comet Stone (Orkney) Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY2963413318
, Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Corn Hillock Cairn in Orkney at HY28481015
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Costa Hill Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY30722953
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Crantit Souterrain (Fogou, Earth House) in Orkney at HY440090
Condition: 4
Craw Howe Cairn in Orkney at HY491069
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Crearhowe Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY49300235
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Cubbie Roo's Burden Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY43932800
Condition: 1 , Ambience: 3
Cummi Howe Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY282104
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Curquoy, Westray Cairn in Orkney at HY431473
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Cutter's Tuo (Stronsay) Cairn in Orkney at HY67252847
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Cuween Hill Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY36421277
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Dale Souterrain Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY33111538
Condition: 1 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 2
Deepdale Cottages Standing Stones in Orkney at HY267118
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 3
Deepdale Stones Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY272118
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Deerness Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY588063
Diamond Cottage Promontory Fort / Cliff Castle in Orkney at HY28211176
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Dingieshowe Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY54760330
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Dwarfie Stane Rock Cut Tomb in Orkney at HY24300043
Condition: 5 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 3
Dyke o'Sean Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY289137
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 2
Earl's Knoll (Papa Stronsay) Cairn in Orkney at HY66822920
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
East Surrigarth (Westray) Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY49214520
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Eday Church Chambered Cairn Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY56043344
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4
Eday Heritage Centre Museum in Orkney at HY56403515
Condition: 5 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 5
Eday Manse Cairn in Orkney at HY56023242
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Els Ness Megalithic Cemetery Barrow Cemetery in Orkney at HY67583746
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 2
Eves Howe Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY54900611
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3
Fairy Well (Stenness) Holy Well or Sacred Spring in Orkney at HY2943212982
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Faraclett Head East Cairn in Orkney at HY43993271
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Faraclett Head West Cairn in Orkney at HY44003270
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Faray Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY52743797
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Feolquoy Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY31741551
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 4
Fiddlerhouse Standing Stones in Orkney at HY25771588
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Fitty Hill (Westray) Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY43324451
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Fold of Setter Misc. Earthwork in Orkney at HY56423750
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Foldarol's Hole Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY30631909
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3
Fresh Knowe Long Barrow in Orkney at HY29601339
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Gairsay Cairn in Orkney at HY44942237
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Grain Earth House Souterrain (Fogou, Earth House) in Orkney at HY442117
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Graystane Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY35700638
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Green (Eday) Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY5697128987
Condition: 1 , Ambience: 3
Grieves Cottage Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY522090
Condition: 5 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Grimsquoy Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY473085
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 1 , Access: 1
Grimston Broch Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY310142
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 3
Grugar Carving in Orkney at HY353270
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Gurness Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY3818926842
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 4
Gutterpool Misc. Earthwork in Orkney at HY467034
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 4
Gyre Barrow Cemetery in Orkney at HY340047
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 5
Hackland Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY27691936
Condition: 5 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 2
Hacksness (Sanday) Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY61403464
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Hacksness (Shapinsay) Cairn in Orkney at HY52181491
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Haley Hole Well (Brownstown) Holy Well or Sacred Spring in Orkney at HY2477609314
Hall of Gorn Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY484026
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Hangie Head Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY712380
Condition: 1
Harproo Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY33190413
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Hawell Burnt Mound Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY512065
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Head of Work Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY48341382
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Heathery Howes Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY477064
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Heathfield Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY415118
Helliar Holm Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY48591579
Condition: 2
Hermisgarth (Sanday) Cairn in Orkney at HY6641543124
Condition: 1 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Highbreck Hillfort in Orkney at HY35700640
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 4
Hill of Heddle Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY345135
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Hillhead Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY44720855
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Hillock of Baywest Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY61902425
Condition: 2
Hillock of Breakna Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY35330508
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Holm of Huip (Stronsay) Cairn in Orkney at HY62823116
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 1
Holm of Papa Westray Central Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY50705185
Condition: 1 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 2
Holm of Papa Westray North Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY50445228
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Holm of Papa Westray South Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY50915183
Condition: 5 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 2
Holm of Rendall Cairn in Orkney at HY4283220735
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4
Holodyke Cairn in Orkney at HY30482028
Condition: 3
Holy Kirk Stones Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY249216
Hourston Crannog in Orkney at HY28891957
, Ambience: 4
Howan Blo Cist in Orkney at HY571060
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Howe Chambered Tomb Chambered Tomb in Orkney at HY276109
, Ambience: 4
Howe Harper Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY346143
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 2
Howe Hill (Howe Farm) Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY51171599
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Howe o' Backland Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY58040402
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Howen Broch Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY318191
Condition: 2
Huntersquoy Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY56263773
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Hurkisgarth Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY25451770
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 3
Hurnip's Point Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY54480634
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Ingshowe Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY390128
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 2
Kierfea Hill (Rousay) Cairn in Orkney at HY42423196
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Kirkwall Sculptured Stone in Orkney at HY44941087
Kirkwall Sculptured Stone in Orkney at HY450111
Knap of Howar Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY483518
Condition: 5 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 3
Knowe of Angerow Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY235172
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 2
Knowe of Browsky Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY306192
, Ambience: 4
Knowe of Burrian (Frotoft) Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY40062745
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 3
Knowe of Burrian (Garth Farm) Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY30821680
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Knowe of Buttquoy Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY24482820
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Knowe of Craie Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY41963153
Condition: 2
Knowe of Crustan Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY27472897
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Knowe of Dale Misc. Earthwork in Orkney at HY37423217
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5
Knowe of Dishero Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY42561998
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 2
Knowe of Geoso Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY22821792
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Knowe of Grugar Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY35642730
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Knowe of Gullow Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY307163
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Knowe of Hunclett Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY41442722
Condition: 2
Knowe of Lairo Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY39922796
Condition: 5 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 2
Knowe of Lingro Cairn in Orkney at HY3964832378
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Knowe of Midgarth Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY39812361
, Access: 3
Knowe of Nebigarth Barrow Cemetery in Orkney at HY23161750
Condition: 1 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Knowe of Ramsay Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY40042800
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Knowe of Rowiegar Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY37332978
Condition: 2
Knowe of Stenso Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY3639426747
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Knowe of Swandro Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY37532966
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 2
Knowe of Taft Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY28362226
Condition: 2
Knowe of Verron Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY231198
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Knowe of Yarso Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY40482795
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Knowes of Howana Barrow Cemetery in Orkney at HY26542169
Condition: 3
Knowes of Lingro Barrow Cemetery in Orkney at HY284290
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Knowes of Trotty Barrow Cemetery in Orkney at HY341175
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 1
Knucker Hill (Westray) Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY4287547013
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Koffer Howe Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY56920699
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4
Konger's Knowe Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY34460513
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Lamb Head Broch Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY69052144
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Lamb Holm Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY484005
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 2
Lamb Ness (Stronsay) Cairn in Orkney at HY6898121238
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Langskaill Mound Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY31811505
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Langstane (Orkney) Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY404275
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 5
Laughton's Knowe Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY48260258
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Laxhowe Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY30361943
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3
Leafea Standing Stones in Orkney at HY23060927
Condition: 4
Lingro Stone Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY28452894
Condition: 5 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 5
Lingrow Chambered Tomb in Orkney at HY43240863
, Ambience: 1 , Access: 2
Linkertaing Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY55393937
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 1
Links of Noltland Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY42804930
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 3
Linnahowe Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY233201
Condition: 1 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 2
Loch of Boardhouse Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY28052520
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Loch of Messigate Standing Stones in Orkney at HY519073
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Loch of Tankerness Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY522093
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 3
Lochend (Stronsay) Cairn in Orkney at HY61762487
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Lochview Mound Cairn in Orkney at HY304128
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Long Howe Long Barrow in Orkney at HY509060
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Longhowe Cairn in Orkney at HY512061
Lower Saverock Not Known (by us) in Orkney at HY43511300
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Maes Howe Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY31821277
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 4
Maesquoy Standing Stones in Orkney at HY311165
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 5
Mark Stone of Gaitnip Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY458048
Condition: 1 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Marygarth Manse Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY654412
Condition: 1
Mass Howe Misc. Earthwork in Orkney at HY49090181
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 4
Meur Burnt Mound Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY6870541013
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 5
Midhowe Broch Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY372306
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 2
Midhowe Chambered Cairn Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY37223051
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 2
Mill Loch Cairn in Orkney at HY56513702
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Mill Sand Standing Stones in Orkney at HY513080
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 5
Millfield Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY56700682
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 4
Mine Howe Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY5106406023
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Mittens Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY29592823
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 2
Mor Stein Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY52401685
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Mount Maesry (Sanday) Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY7832043508
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Muckle Crofty Stone Row / Alignment in Orkney at HY517067
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Munkerhoose Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY48785274
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Mussaquoy Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY56590369
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Nabban Holy Well or Sacred Spring in Orkney at HY391118
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 5
Nearhouse Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY508068
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Ness of Brodgar Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY3024312941
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4
Ness of Ork Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY53562238
Condition: 2
Ness of Woodwick Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY40072487
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 5
Nettletar Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY32321741
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4
Nevada Cott Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY433092
Newan Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY27102777
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Newark (Orkney) Souterrain (Fogou, Earth House) in Orkney at HY57460413
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Nisthouse Barrow Cemetery in Orkney at HY31631983
Condition: 2
North Bigging Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY3082420003
Condition: 2
North Howe Broch Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY3705130722
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Odin Stone Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY506191
Onziebist Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY4741827807
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Oram's Fancy Cists Cist in Orkney at HY64502718
Condition: 2
Orphir Round Church Class I Pictish Symbol Stone in Orkney at HY3349604429
, Access: 4
Overbrough Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY31361790
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 5
Oxtro Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY25372678
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Oyce of Isbister Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY39021802
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Peerie Howe Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY54750324
Condition: 1 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 5
Peterkirk Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY337287
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Pickaquoy Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY44071116
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Pierowall Quarry Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY43894905
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 1 , Access: 4
Plumcake Mound Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY295135
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 5
Point of Buttquoy Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY244283
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Possible large stone circle in Loch of Stenness Stone Circle in Orkney at HY2933112934
Condition: 1 , Ambience: 1 , Access: 1
Powdykes (Westray) Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY4343543627
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Quanterness Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY417129
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Queenafjold Barrow Cemetery in Orkney at HY268250
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4
Quoyelsh Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY265089
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Quoyness Barrow Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY67663779
Condition: 5 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
Quoyness, Greenhill Broch Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY25000284
Condition: 3 , Access: 3
Quoys Chambered Cairn Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY37822507
Ramberry Cairn Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY42401383
Redland settlement Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY367171
Condition: 1
Redland South Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY38002484
Condition: 2
Rennibister Souterrain Souterrain (Fogou, Earth House) in Orkney at HY39731260
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4
Rethie Taing (Sanday) Cairn in Orkney at HY6512344241
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Riggan of Kami Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY59170743
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 3
Ring of Bookan Henge in Orkney at HY283145
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4
Ring of Brodgar Stone Circle in Orkney at HY29451335
Condition: 5 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 5
Rosebank Quarry Standing Stones in Orkney at HY27292850
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 5
Round Howe Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY50780591
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Rowamo Cottage Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY35451400
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4
Russel Howe Cairn in Orkney at HY24842016
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Salt Knowe Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY293133
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 5
Sandaiken Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY55380346
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Sandyhall Barrow Cemetery in Orkney at HY399194
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 4
Sandyhill Smithy (Eday) Cairn in Orkney at HY56123299
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Saverock (2) Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY43481280
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4
Scapa Barrow Cemetery in Orkney at HY447090
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4
Scockness Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY45263214
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Setter Noost Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY47301621
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Seven Knowes Barrow Cemetery in Orkney at HY39282072
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 3
Site C Circular Feature from the Rising Tide project Standing Stones in Orkney at HY3882313776
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 1 , Access: 1
Skae Frue Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY28241440
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Skara Brae Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY2312518745
Condition: 5 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 5
Smerquoy ancient settlement Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY40501109
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 1
South Knowe Artificial Mound in Orkney at HY29411328
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 4
South Seatter Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY23391637
Condition: 3
Southside (Eday) Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY56152922
, Access: 4
Sower Castle Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY29400620
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Spurdagove Standing Stones in Orkney at HY255246
Condition: 3
Spurness Early Bronze Age settlement Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY6067635354
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4
St Boniface's Church Hog Back Stone Early Christian Sculptured Stone in Orkney at HY48825270
Condition: 5 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 4
St Mary's Broch Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY470014
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 4
St Mary's Kirk, Isbister Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY39971872
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
St Tredwell's Chapel Stone Row / Alignment in Orkney at HY497509
St. Nicholas Church Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY510006
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
St. Peter's Bay Mound Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY537045
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 3
St. Peter's Kirk Ancient Village or Settlement in Orkney at HY536042
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 2
St.Magnus's Well Holy Well or Sacred Spring in Orkney at HY25652750
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 1 , Access: 5
Stackrue Broch or Nuraghe in Orkney at HY271151
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Stackrue-Lyking Mound Misc. Earthwork in Orkney at HY27121514
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Stan Stane, North Ronaldsay Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY7523852934
Condition: 4
Standing Stones Hotel Chambered Cairn in Orkney at HY30251165
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 4
Staneloof Cairn in Orkney at HY48330698
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Stanerandy Stones Standing Stones in Orkney at HY267276
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2
Staney Hill Chambered Tomb in Orkney at HY316159
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 2
Staney stone Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY320156
Stebb Hill (Stronsay) Cairn in Orkney at HY66262332
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3
Stem Howe Round Barrow(s) in Orkney at HY510062
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3
Stembister farm stone Standing Stone (Menhir) in Orkney at HY54130239
Stenness Stone Circle in Orkney at HY30671252
Condition: 5 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 5
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With thanks to Alastair McIvor for development of the original Megalith Map.