The Megalith Map

Megalithic and Prehistoric sites on map square NK

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Arbuthnot Museum, Peterhead Museum in Aberdeenshire at NK1318846334

Berrybrae Stone Circle in Aberdeenshire at NK02765716
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4

Boddam Den Ancient Mine, Quarry or other Industry in Aberdeenshire at NK113411

Cairn Catto Cairn in Aberdeenshire at NK0743542124
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3

Corbie Knap Cairn in Aberdeenshire at NK085404

Cortie Brae Stone Circle in Aberdeenshire at NK01015924
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3

Den Of Boddam Flint Quarry Ancient Mine, Quarry or other Industry in Aberdeenshire at NK113415

Forvie 'Stone Circle' Stone Circle in Aberdeenshire at NK00952429
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 2

Forvie Hut Circles Ancient Village or Settlement in Aberdeenshire at NK01072633
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3

Forvie Kerb Cairns Cairn in Aberdeenshire at NK012266
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3

Forvie Sands Flint Workings Ancient Mine, Quarry or other Industry in Aberdeenshire at NK0125
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 3

Greengate Standing Stone (Menhir) in Aberdeenshire at NK04205662
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4

Greenhill Stone Circle in Aberdeenshire at NK097401

Hatton Circle (Aberdeen) Stone Circle in Aberdeenshire at NK050364

High Law Cairn in Aberdeenshire at NK062339
Condition: 1 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4

Netherton Stone Circle in Aberdeenshire at NK04335722
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4

Pitlurg Long Barrow in Aberdeenshire at NK024336
, Access: 4

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With thanks to Alastair McIvor for development of the original Megalith Map.

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