The Megalith Map

Megalithic and Prehistoric sites on map square SR

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Birch Hill Round Barrow(s) in Pembrokeshire at SR979951

Bosherston Hillfort in Pembrokeshire at SR971948

Brownslade Farm Round Barrow(s) in Pembrokeshire at SR905973

Buckspool Down Camp Hillfort in Pembrokeshire at SR954934

Castle Lady Valley Hillfort in Pembrokeshire at SR903966

Corston Beacon Round Barrow(s) in Pembrokeshire at SR933999
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 5

Crocksydam Camp Hillfort in Pembrokeshire at SR936943

Devil's Quoit (St Twynnells) Standing Stone (Menhir) in Pembrokeshire at SR96239638

Devil's Quoit (Stackpole) Standing Stone (Menhir) in Pembrokeshire at SR98109503
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3

Dry Burrows Barrow Cemetery in Pembrokeshire at SR948997
Condition: 4 , Ambience: 2 , Access: 4

Fishpond Barrow Round Barrow(s) in Pembrokeshire at SR97939508

Flimston Castle Promontory Fort / Cliff Castle in Pembrokeshire at SR930946
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 4 , Access: 3

Freynslake Round Barrow(s) in Pembrokeshire at SR974945

Harold Stone (Bosherton) Standing Stone (Menhir) in Pembrokeshire at SR96769586

Hobbyhorse Bay Promontory Fort / Cliff Castle in Pembrokeshire at SR888957
Condition: 3 , Ambience: 5 , Access: 2

Kingston Cottage Tomb Chambered Tomb in Pembrokeshire at SR99039924
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 5

Linney Round Barrow(s) in Pembrokeshire at SR898969

Linney Burrows Round Barrow(s) in Pembrokeshire at SR889975

Lorts Cave Cave or Rock Shelter in Pembrokeshire at SR993953

Merrion Court Hillfort in Pembrokeshire at SR940975

Mowingword Promontory Enclosure Promontory Fort / Cliff Castle in Pembrokeshire at SR9917394196

St Govan's Well Holy Well or Sacred Spring in Pembrokeshire at SR96719294

Stackpole enclosure Ancient Village or Settlement in Pembrokeshire at SR98679665
Condition: 2 , Ambience: 3 , Access: 4

Stackpole Warren Ancient Village or Settlement in Pembrokeshire at SR978948

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With thanks to Alastair McIvor for development of the original Megalith Map.

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Explore Scotland (and everywhere else) with our Megalithic Portal iPhone app

Stonehenge Landscapes Book and CD-ROM

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