Comment Post

Re: The Bronze Age complex on Cheetham Close, Turton by 6A44NNx on Monday, 07 December 2015

Cheetham Close Stone Circle has interested me for many years.
Me being an amateur,disabled astronomer fro Blackburn,lancs.
I have managed to make two visits to Cheetham Close over the past few yearsand have collected positional information from the Stone Circle and Outlier Site.The bearings of The Stones and the heights from Sea level of the surrounding horizons,plus the distances between the Stones.
I have studied in detail the available Plans of Cheetham Close except for Prof A THOMS Plans held at Bolton Archive and research Centre.
In a nutshellMr Fletchers very enlightening Report/Survey has one important flaw.The Site Plan for the Stone Circle is Mr Greenhalghs
1871 perspective Sketch twisted around and enlarged.[The circle
being twisted around so that Mr Greehalghs correct MgN position
becomes separated from the Stones of the Circle.[around 150 degrees]The inter-Circle Stone bearings are not correct.[the stones
are still in the same positions as 1871 at least I reckon.
The Long Axis of the Stone Circle is not correct,Mr Greenhalgh gives us only the Easterly/Westerly length ,which Mr Fletcher uses as the Long Axis Length.THE LONG CENTRAL AXIS is 27-33M .
THe overall shape in Plan is a slim OVAL with the long central Axis
orientated N/S.
Cheetham Close Stone Circle therefore is of comparable size to
1 Swinside in Cumbria
copyright 6A44NNx

Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road