The text at the top of the page suggests there were 7 puddingstones in Tyttenhanger ("Sites No. 54 to 60"), but in fact there were only 3 (as per 'The Lost Trackway' page 16).
These were:
At the former Barley Mow pub - I can confirm the stone is definitely gone from there.
At the gate to Hillend Farm - this stone is also gone. The farm has only ever had the one entrance, and this has been radically altered by the creation of a lay-by for a bus stop.
On the west side of Highfield Lane, level with the beginning of Winchfield Wood. Known locally as 'The Block', this had already disappeared by 1920.
Dr. Rudge said that these 3 stones "stood about 200 yards from each other, probably representing the average spacing along this length of the track". Unfortunately, his measurements were about as good as his grid references and his ability to tell puddingstone from sarsen, as it's 623 yards from the Barley Mow to the farm gate, and 656 yards from there to the site of 'The Block'.
Something is not right. This message is just to keep things from messing up down the road