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Gallery Home >> England >> Devon >> Ipplepen Iron Age Settlement

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[Cont from previous photo]: It would never have been clear enough from this, but you can see dark blotches of fields that have been surveyed.  This field - 'Field 13' on the official plan - is the largest one at the south.  (The one on right here).  We are standing in the west of it, near the bottom as we view it here.  So in two years only a very tiny part of the overall survey has been excavated
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedSep 10 2013
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[Cont from previous photo]: It would never have been clear enough from this, but you can see dark blotches of fields that have been surveyed. This field - 'Field 13' on the official plan - is the largest one at the south. (The one on right here). We are standing in the west of it, near the bottom as we view it here. So in two years only a very tiny part of the overall survey has been excavated.

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