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This Stone Row is part of the longest stone row in Europe, and this entry refers to the northern part of the row. It is considered by some that the row was originally two rows, the northern and southern ends, which over time became joined together. 

Just the occasional stone can be followed from the top of Green Hill, and its remains of a cairn near to the summit at 473 metres altitude. It has
Submitted bycaradoc68
AddedMay 26 2014
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This Stone Row is part of the longest stone row in Europe, and this entry refers to the northern part of the row. It is considered by some that the row was originally two rows, the northern and southern ends, which over time became joined together.

Just the occasional stone can be followed from the top of Green Hill, and its remains of a cairn near to the summit at 473 metres altitude. It has to be said that it is a bit of a leap of faith to get the row to this cairn, but in all probabilities the stones are all there buried under the peat.

The cairn itself is fairly indistinct, and takes a good bit of imagination to see what should be here. However its position is given away by the different vegetation growing on it, as is often the case on the moor. This cairn is about 9 metres in diameter, and has the usual hollow at the centre, with a few large block s of stone to be seen, at least one of which is standing on its edge. From here, the stone circle at the southern end of the row is visible, as are the four large pillars of the Stalldon Row on the southern skyline.

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