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Gallery Home >> England >> Devon >> St. Brannoc's Holy Well (Braunton)

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St.Brannoc's Holy Well in Braunton, north Devon, is formed by a spring that runs into an almost heart-shaped pool.  Nearby is a modern chapel built on the site of a medieval chapel, and probably an even older one preceded that.
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedMar 23 2005
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St.Brannoc's Holy Well in Braunton, north Devon, is formed by a spring that runs into an almost heart-shaped pool. Nearby is a modern chapel built on the site of a medieval chapel, and probably an even older one preceded that.

Posted Comments:

Gavin Bridson gb1q@a (2005-09-05)
Dear Angie Lake, I lived in Braunton at the time that Mrs Incledon-Webber restored this well and built the new chapel. I used to serve Mass in that chapel when I was at home from boarding school of army national service. Very nice photo. There's probably a coin or two of mine at the bottom. Thank's for the memory, now on my hard drive, a device scarcely thought of when the well was restored. Best wishes, Gavin.
AngieLake (2005-09-05)
Thanks Gavin. Did you read the site info (click on yellow highlight, top left of this page)? Do you remember my mum's shop, 'Mannings' ladies and childrens outfitter opposite the traffic lights in Caen St? It's now Slee's electrical goods showroom, and I've had a couple of nostalgic browses inside it.

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