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The Devon Archaeological Society leaflet on Milber Down showing a plan of the fort and 'the Milber Treasure', which is apparently still in Torquay Museum.  (I still haven't been to see those intriguing bronze creatures!)
[I highlighted the sentence about a 'nearby native sanctuary', btw.]
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedJul 04 2016
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The Devon Archaeological Society leaflet on Milber Down showing a plan of the fort and 'the Milber Treasure', which is apparently still in Torquay Museum. (I still haven't been to see those intriguing bronze creatures!)
[I highlighted the sentence about a 'nearby native sanctuary', btw.]

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2016-09-05)
Update: visited Torquay museum on 4th September 2016 and saw the duck and the stag. Photos now included on site page, but not the bird, which was in storage. Note the description to bottom right, above. They are believed to have come from a nearby native sanctuary or from the possessions of a local Dumnonian chief, and concealed at the time of the Roman advance to the South-West, about AD50-55 or later. Buried in the upper filling of the enclosure ditch, after the fort had been peacefully abandoned, they were designed to be mounted separately, the bird on the rim of a bronze vessel, the others on the lid of a wooden casket, or on a ceremonial staff.

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