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Gallery Home >> England >> Devon >> Leeper Cross

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Trying to determine how high the cross actually is, and where the socket stone sits, although without being allowed to remove the ivy, it was impossible to tell, although we had the owner of the cottage with us to tell us more. The photograph on Pastscape shows the cross without the surrounding shrubbery, which must have been taken many years ago judging by the size of the trees which have grown u
Submitted byAnne T
AddedMay 24 2019
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Trying to determine how high the cross actually is, and where the socket stone sits, although without being allowed to remove the ivy, it was impossible to tell, although we had the owner of the cottage with us to tell us more. The photograph on Pastscape shows the cross without the surrounding shrubbery, which must have been taken many years ago judging by the size of the trees which have grown up around it.

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