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Gallery Home >> England >> Devon >> One Mill Bridge Cross

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The cross head and part of the cross shaft were built into the western parapet of the One Mill/Mile Bridge, one mile to the east of Moretonhampstead. These are the parapets where the fragments should be, although there is no sign of them now, having been removed in 1982 for road widening. I have emailed DNPA to see if they know the current location of the fragment. But the big question remains - i
Submitted byAnne T
AddedMay 24 2019
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The cross head and part of the cross shaft were built into the western parapet of the One Mill/Mile Bridge, one mile to the east of Moretonhampstead. These are the parapets where the fragments should be, although there is no sign of them now, having been removed in 1982 for road widening. I have emailed DNPA to see if they know the current location of the fragment. But the big question remains - is it modern or ancient?

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