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Gallery Home >> England >> Devon >> Stall Moor circle

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Kiss-in-the-Ring stone circle, seen here looking south, with the southern end of the longest known prehistoric stone row (more than 3 km in length) leading to it in the foreground. 

In the distance of the picture is Stalldown Barrow hill, with the wonderful Stalldon Row marching over its summit, which can be seen clearly in real life. 

The river Erme valley is to the left of the picture.
Submitted bythecaptain
AddedAug 14 2006
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Kiss-in-the-Ring stone circle, seen here looking south, with the southern end of the longest known prehistoric stone row (more than 3 km in length) leading to it in the foreground. In the distance of the picture is Stalldown Barrow hill, with the wonderful Stalldon Row marching over its summit, which can be seen clearly in real life. The river Erme valley is to the left of the picture.

Posted Comments:

thecaptain (2006-08-14)
The row leads to this lovely circle directly to the centre, but strangely does not end at the tallest stone, which can be seen here offset to the west. There is also no appreciable increase in height of the stones in the row towards the circle, which is normal for Dartmoor rows.

Pity the grass was so long that many of the stones were obscured.
AngieLake (2006-08-14)
What a poetic name for the circle. Hope you followed the instructions?!!

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