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With the drought of 2022 now exposing the stone circle in Tottiford reservoir, I went down for an exploration yesterday. Despite overnight storms making the lakebed very wet, slippery and muddy, I was able to walk to the circle, and around most of it. My footprints make out the circle relatively clearly.

I didn't make notes, and from memory I was able to identify about 10 stones in the mud. Jus
Submitted byTheCaptain
AddedSep 08 2022
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With the drought of 2022 now exposing the stone circle in Tottiford reservoir, I went down for an exploration yesterday. Despite overnight storms making the lakebed very wet, slippery and muddy, I was able to walk to the circle, and around most of it. My footprints make out the circle relatively clearly.

I didn't make notes, and from memory I was able to identify about 10 stones in the mud. Just a quick forst photo uploaded from my phone. In time I will sort out what I have taken.

Despite getting very wet and muddy feet, and slipping several times, I managed to make it back to dry land without falling flat in the mud!

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