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Broad Barrow is at the top the highest point of Hamel Down at 532m. Seen here from the south
Submitted byTheCaptain
AddedDec 31 2022
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Broad Barrow is at the top the highest point of Hamel Down at 532m. Seen here from the south

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2023-01-01)
Gosh, these photos are an improvement on my old 2007 photos Martyn! I love the contrast in the dark sky and the sunlit foreground. You were luckier with the weather that day. Amazing how those old posts have survived since WWII.
TheCaptain (2023-01-02)
Thanks Angie. Almost a perfect day for a walk along that ridge, with sun, clouds and a very cold wind blowing, keeping people away!

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