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Gallery Home >> England >> Devon >> Merrivale North Row

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Grid Ref SX 555 747

There are two, main, rows at Merrivale - North and South. 

The north row consists of two lines of stones, aligned east -west and nearly 200m long.

However, the two lines of stones are only about 1m apart so you can only just walk between them. It has larger stones at the west end and a blocking stone at the east.
The southern row doesn't start or finish on the s
Submitted bystewart
AddedOct 12 2003
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Grid Ref SX 555 747 There are two, main, rows at Merrivale - North and South. The north row consists of two lines of stones, aligned east -west and nearly 200m long. However, the two lines of stones are only about 1m apart so you can only just walk between them. It has larger stones at the west end and a blocking stone at the east. The southern row doesn't start or finish on the same alignment, is not parallel to the northern one and was, probably, not built at the same time. It is, however, longer at nearly 300m

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