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Grimspound, Dartmoor. Low Level Vertical Kite Aerial photograph of a roundhouse. The scale is aligned red to magnetic north. The scale is 2 metres long

Photo taken: 8 August 2008
Submitted byh_fenton
AddedDec 23 2008
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Grimspound, Dartmoor. Low Level Vertical Kite Aerial photograph of a roundhouse. The scale is aligned red to magnetic north. The scale is 2 metres long

Photo taken: 8 August 2008

Posted Comments:

Aerial-Cam (2009-01-04)
nice work
jeffrep (2009-09-08)
h fenton's kite aerial photos never fail to impress me!!!
AngieLake (2009-09-09)
Agreed, and much easier to understand the layout of the round hut in this photo, especially the passage entrance.

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