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Extra-terrestrial rock: Meteorite found in Pakistan.  Date: 4,500 million years old.
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedApr 27 2009
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Extra-terrestrial rock: Meteorite found in Pakistan. Date: 4,500 million years old.
"This is the oldest object in RAMM's collection. It is one of only 20,000 meteorites that have been found worldwide."

I was stunned by the 'pyramid' shape of this piece of rock and wondered whether the ancient Egyptians picked up some of these, and thought.."Ahh, a precious gift from the Gods!" and commenced building tombs in this shape? ;-) (I'd imagine they'd arrive with a bit of a thunderclap, so it's not impossible!)

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2009-04-29)
Pyramid model? Interesting idea, or foolish thought? And are all meteorites this shape after hurling through the atmosphere at high temperatures? (If that's the case, there'd be pyramids all over the world, I guess!)

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