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Gallery Home >> England >> Devon >> Merrivale Stone Slabs 1 and 2

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A close-up of the hole in Slab 1.  Jack Walker described it as 'circular', though it wasn't on the day I photographed it.
(See site page for more details)
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedMay 01 2009
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A close-up of the hole in Slab 1. Jack Walker described it as 'circular', though it wasn't on the day I photographed it.
(See site page for more details)

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2009-05-03)
That IS a coincidence! A report about ancient Armenian site, Carahunge, with many of its stones pierced by 4-5cm holes for possible sun/sky observation, has just appeared in our News items. Could Slab 1's hole be part of a similar early method of studying the skies, as Jack Walker believes?
AngieLake (2009-05-03)
Sorry - it was in 'latest comments', regarding 'the Armenian Stonehenge', not News items!

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