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Sherberton Double Stone Row. 

First recognised by me in 1997 and now listed.  An unimpressive row with the stones barely showing above the turf. Location SX 6392 7328 It runs almost N/S & can be traced for about 100m. It appears to be aligned on the large 
adjacent Sherberton Stone Circle  to the south. The discovery of a row in association with another stone circle on Dartmoor raises the 
Submitted byBrian Byng
AddedFeb 07 2002
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Sherberton Double Stone Row. First recognised by me in 1997 and now listed. An unimpressive row with the stones barely showing above the turf. Location SX 6392 7328 It runs almost N/S & can be traced for about 100m. It appears to be aligned on the large adjacent Sherberton Stone Circle to the south. The discovery of a row in association with another stone circle on Dartmoor raises the possibility that more of the stone circles that now stand alone may have had rows.

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