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Leeden Tor - Cairn at upper end  SX 5653 7147. 

A scrappy row 107 m long but with only 4 stones still upright. Cairn 6m dia 
with large central pit. Runs NW - SE with cairn at uphill N W end. The cairn 
Has a reeve cutting across it and the row has another reeve cutting across. 
Reeve - local word for a prehitoric field boundary maade from roughly 
assembled granite blocks  now sometimes on
Submitted byBrian Byng
AddedFeb 07 2002
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Leeden Tor - Cairn at upper end SX 5653 7147. A scrappy row 107 m long but with only 4 stones still upright. Cairn 6m dia with large central pit. Runs NW - SE with cairn at uphill N W end. The cairn Has a reeve cutting across it and the row has another reeve cutting across. Reeve - local word for a prehitoric field boundary maade from roughly assembled granite blocks now sometimes only traces exist as here. Reeve building on Dartmoor circa 1400 BC. Seems likely that the rows predate the reeves. Tricky to find a GPS helps. I show 2 pics of the row and one of a reeve with a fallen slab from the row in the foreground.

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