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Cosdon Hill Summit Cairns, Dartmoor, Devon SX636915 to SX637917

The remains of five cairns can clearly be found at the summit of Cosdon Hill. 

The fifth cairn at the north of the hill is a very impressive beast. This cairn must be nearly complete except for a small depression within the centre. The outer edges of the cairn are nicely held in place by a ring of large stone slabs, and within t
Submitted byTheCaptain
AddedJun 09 2004
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Cosdon Hill Summit Cairns, Dartmoor, Devon SX636915 to SX637917 The remains of five cairns can clearly be found at the summit of Cosdon Hill. The fifth cairn at the north of the hill is a very impressive beast. This cairn must be nearly complete except for a small depression within the centre. The outer edges of the cairn are nicely held in place by a ring of large stone slabs, and within the cairn structure itself can clearly be made out a further two or perhaps three concentric rings of stones, which this picture shows clearly. It is possible to imagine there being an outer ring of stones surrounding the cairn as well. Is this the complete version of a Dartmoor fourfold circle, as seen at Shovel Down and Yellowmead ?

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