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Cosdon Hill Cairn Circle, Dartmoor, Devon SX643916

On a flatter shelf of land on the eastern side of Cosdon Hill are the splendid remains of a cairn and treble stone row. 

The remains of the cairn at the uphill end of the rows is approx 8 metres in diameter, and has been substantially messed about with. Despite this, there are the clear remains of a double cist in the centre of the cairn, th
Submitted byTheCaptain
AddedJun 10 2004
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Cosdon Hill Cairn Circle, Dartmoor, Devon SX643916 On a flatter shelf of land on the eastern side of Cosdon Hill are the splendid remains of a cairn and treble stone row. The remains of the cairn at the uphill end of the rows is approx 8 metres in diameter, and has been substantially messed about with. Despite this, there are the clear remains of a double cist in the centre of the cairn, the downhill one of which still has its capstone largely in place. Several stones also remain in place of an outer ring, which is possibly what is often referred to as a stone circle.

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