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Gallery Home >> England >> Devon >> St. Urith's well

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St. Hieritha (or Urith) was supposed to have been beheaded in this village and where her blood fell, the spring gushed forth!  Her image, complete with head and sickle [!], is kept it tip top order in a niche on the south side of the west tower of the church.
This was a place of pilgrimage for many years and it's plain to see how the money may have kept this church in such good condition as it is
Submitted byAngieLake
AddedNov 02 2011
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St. Hieritha (or Urith) was supposed to have been beheaded in this village and where her blood fell, the spring gushed forth! Her image, complete with head and sickle [!], is kept it tip top order in a niche on the south side of the west tower of the church.
This was a place of pilgrimage for many years and it's plain to see how the money may have kept this church in such good condition as it is today.

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