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Fitz's Well, found near a military camp with Okehampton behind.   Was used until late in the 19th century by people visiting the well on Easter morning wishing to learn their fortune.  It was dissapointing to find that now this well consists of just a few large granite blocks placed roughly on top of each other with a metal drain cover hiding the water.   On the other side of the wall the spring f
Submitted bycazzyjane
AddedMar 22 2012
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Fitz's Well, found near a military camp with Okehampton behind. Was used until late in the 19th century by people visiting the well on Easter morning wishing to learn their fortune. It was dissapointing to find that now this well consists of just a few large granite blocks placed roughly on top of each other with a metal drain cover hiding the water. On the other side of the wall the spring flows freely into the field. There is an ancient cross beside it which may have come from a chapel dedicated to St Micheal which once stood at Halstock, nearby.

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2012-03-23)
Lovely photo cazzyjane - nice composition and light.

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