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Soussons Common.   March 2012.
Submitted bycazzyjane
AddedMar 30 2012
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Soussons Common. March 2012.

Posted Comments:

AngieLake (2012-03-31)
Wouldn't it be nice to be rid of the recent pine trees, and view the Dartmoor site/s as they were originally, perhaps with landscape alignments... (or maybe not, if it was wooded then.) Froggymeade is one example I'd like to see.
rldixon (2012-03-31)
wonderfully lit little circle
great photo
cazzyjane (2012-04-02)
Yes Angie, I agree totally and thankyou Richard, though I guess the dappled lighting is down to the trees?! :-/
stugsie (2012-10-01)
I love the brooding pensive nature of this circle that has slumbered here since time immemorial.

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